A Little Bit of Ireland


Sadler          Richard             Gentn, Abbington                                     11/5.1762
Sadlier         Richard             son in law to Anthony Lefroy                         6/8/1817
Sandes          William             Lieut.                                               10/10/1763
Sandes          Thomas              Esqre, son of Wm Sandes, Esqre, Sallow Glinn, Co Kerry 27/6/1801
Sandes          George              Ensign, L.C.M.                                       15/2/1813
Sands           William             Ballyglin                                            8/10/1770
Sargent         Francis             son to Peter Sargent, burgess                        6/3/1746
Sargent         Robert              son of Js. Sargent, Burgess, deceased                20/2/1747
Sargent         Francis             son of Js. Sargent, Burgess, deceased                20/2/1747
Sargent         Charles             son of Frank Sargent, Burgess                        5/9/1758
Sargent         Joseph              son of the Revd. Joseph Sargent                      5/5/1762
Sargent         Henry               son of the Revd. Joseph Sargent                      5/5/1762
Sargent         Maunsell            son of the Revd. Joseph Sargent                      5/5/1762
Sargent         George              son of Alderman Frank Sargent                        21/9/1768
Sargent         Francis             son of Alderman Frank Sargent                        21/9/1768
Sargent         Maunsell            son of the Revd Joseph Sargent                       21/9/1768
Sargent         Henry               son of the Revd. Joseph Sargent                      21/9/1768
Sargent         Francis             son of the Revd. Joseph Sargent                      21/9/1768
Sargent         Peter               son of Francis Sargent, Burgess                      2/10/1772
Sargent         William             son of Francis Sargent, Burgess                      2/10/1772
Sargent         Fitzgibbon John     son of Chas Sargent, burgess                         30/6/1788
Sargent         Joseph              son to Jos. Sargent, Burgess                         27/6/1801
Sargent         Lloyd Thos.         Lieut. 81st Regt                                     15/2/1813
Sargent         James Francis       Alderman                                             10/10/1814
Sargent         John                Esqre, son of the widow Aldn. Josh. Sargent          1/7/1816
Sargent         Edward              Esqre, son of the widow Aldn. Josh. Sargent          1/7/1816
Sargent         John                Lieut, 60th Regt                                     29/6/1817
Sart            Peter James         Gentn                                                13/10/1794
Saunders        Christopher         merchant, Charleville                                10/10/1791
Saunders        Stevelly Robert     Esqre, Barrister                                     27/9/1794
Saunders        Henry               Esqre, Mallow, Co Cork                               13/10/1794
Saunders        Knight Christopher  Royal Engineers                                      6/8/1817
Scanlan         Michael             Gentn                                                10/10/1763
Scanlan         Mathew              Grocer                                               24/8/1791
Scanlan         Michael             Esqre, Ballinaha                                     9/12/1794
Scanlan         Michael             Junr, Ballinaha                                      9/12/1794
Scanlan         Mathew              Esqre, Ballycahane                                   28/6/1819
Scanlan         John                Esqre, Ballycahane                                   28/6/1819
Scott           James               shoemaker                                            20/2/1747
Scott           Robert              Brazier                                              9/9/1748
Scott           John                Esqre, Co. Clare                                     25/9/1765
Scully          James               Banker of Tipperary                                  14/1/1819
Scuyler         Francis             28th Regt                                            10/2/1794
Scuyler         Courtland           South Cork Militia                                   10/2/1794
Seawright       Abraham             Revd                                                 30/9/1771
Sentleger       John                Esqre, City Dublin                                   11/5.1762
Seward          James               Grocer                                               8/10/1821
Seward          Joshua Worrall      merchant, birth                                      11/10/1830
Sexton          George              son of Alderman Geo. Sexton                          20/2/1747
Sexton          James               Gentleman                                            9/9/1748
Sexton          James               son of Geo. Sexton, the younger                      10/10/1763
Sexton          James               son of Alderman Sexton                               8/10/1770
Sexton          Andrew              son of Alderman Sexton                               8/10/1770
Sexton          William             son of Alderman Sexton                               8/10/1770
Sexton          Edward              shopkeeper, Gort                                     29/6/1817
Sexton          George              Esqre, of Coonagh                                    6/8/1817
Seymor          John                son of Wm Seymor, sadler, decd                       20/2/1747
Seymour         James               son of Js. Seymour, burgess, decd                    20/2/1747
Seymour         Frans               Earl of Hertford, Ld Lieut                           7/10/1765
Seymour         Michael             Captain, R.N.                                        13/2/1809
Shannon         David               Band, L.C.M.                                         15/2/1813
Shannon         Wiliam              Brewer                                               29/8/1823
Shaw            William             Gentn, Landpitts, Co. Kilkenny                       11/5.1762
Shearer         Alexander           Esqre                                                5/5/1762
Shearer         Alexander           son of Dr. Shearer                                   2/10/1772
Shearer         Thomas              slator, Gort                                         29/6/1817
Sheehan         Patrick             Gentn, Caherline                                     9/12/1794
Sheehy          John                Gentn, son in law of Patk. O'Callaghan, birth        27/6/1835
Shelburn        Lord                                                                     3/9/1759
Shelburne       Earl of             Rt Honble                                            7/9/1775
Shepherd        John                son of Andrew Shepherd, Burgess                      12/10/1747
Shepherd        John                son of John Shepherd, Burgess                        12/10/1747
Shepherd        Samuel              Revd                                                 1/10/1750
Shepherd        George              chandler                                             13/10/1760
Shepherd        Richard             Gentn                                                13/10/1760
Shepherd        William             Gentn, son of the Revd. Samuel Shepherd              11/5.1762
Shepherd        Thomas              Lieut, son of the Revd. Samuel Shepherd              11/5.1762
Shepherd        Thomas              Revd, Clerk                                          28/6/1784
Shepherd        Thomas              Revd. Grange, Co Waterford                           13/10/1794
Sheppy          William             Esqre                                                7/5/1747
Sheppy          William             Esqre, City Dublin                                   20/2/1747
Shiel           James               Barrister                                            3/9/1759
Shrader         John                Corporal, L.C.M.                                     28/1/1794
Sidmouth        Rt Honble           Lord Visct                                           8/10/1821
Simmons         William             late Serjt, L.C.M.                                   29/6/1817
Sims            Hugh                in right of marriage                                 29/8/1823
Singleton       Edward              Esqre Quinville, Co Clare                            15/2/1813
Singleton       John                Esqre, his oldest son                                15/2/1813
Singleton       Hugh                Esqre                                                29/6/1817
Singleton       Edward              Esqre                                                14/2/1823
Singleton       Venerable Archdeacon Private Secty to Ld Lieut                           11/10/1830
Skee            Phil                Captn                                                12/9/1757
Skeys           Abraham             merchant                                             1/7/1751
Slade           William             Captn Royal Engineers                                28/6/1819
Small           William             Revenue Officer                                      29/8/1823
Smith           Philip              Esqre, son of the present recorder                   5/5/1762
Smith           William             son of Furlong Smith, Newcastle                      10/10/1763
Smith           Nugent John         Esnign, 9th regt                                     12/10/1789
Smith           Francis             Mr., Newcastle                                       10/10/1791
Smith           Brabazon            Revd                                                 18/5/1793
Smith           John                Mr, Architect                                        10/2/1794
Smith           Thomas              Gentn, Blarney, Co Cork                              13/10/1794
Smith           John                Gentn, his brother, City Dublin                      13/10/1794
Smith           John                Ensign, L.C.M.                                       15/2/1813
Smith           William             Esqre, Ballylin                                      29/6/1817
Smith           Richard             Esqre, Smithfield                                    29/6/1817
Smith           Charles             Esqre, Attorney Clare St                             29/6/1817
Smith           William             Attorney                                             12/10/1818
Smith           Ralph               Esqre, Roscrea                                       11/10/1819
Smithwick       John                Esqre, Lickadoon                                     9/12/1794
Smithwick       Robert              Esqre, Wilton                                        27/6/1801
Smithwick       William             Lieut, L.C.M.                                        15/2/1813
Smithwick       Henry               son of Robt Smithwick, Wilton                        6/8/1817
Smithwick       William John        son to the late John Smithwick of Liliput            12/10/1818
Smithwick       Robert              Lieut Royal Marines                                  12/10/1818
Smithwick       William             Esqre, son of late Michl Studdert, Mt Catherine      11/10/1819
Smyth           Thomas              son of Revd. John Smyth, clerk                       6/3/1746
Smyth           Charles             son of Revd. John Smyth, clerk                       6/3/1746
Smyth           Thomas              son of Charles Smyth, Esqre                          7/5/1747
Smyth           Thomas              son of Charles Smyth, Esqre                          7/5/1747
Smyth           William             son of the Revd. John Smyth                          20/2/1747
Smyth           Samuel              son of the Revd. Saml. Smyth, decd                   20/2/1747
Smyth           John                Sheriff [crossed out]                                22/9/1740
Smyth           Furlong             Gentn. Newcastle                                     1/10/1750
Smyth           Nicholas            Gentn                                                25/9/1752
Smyth           Charles             son of Collector Smygh                               10/9/1756
Smyth           Thomas              son of Collector Smygh                               10/9/1756
Smyth           Carew               son of Collector Smygh                               10/9/1756
Smyth           John                son of John Smyth                                    10/9/1756
Smyth           William             son of John Smyth                                    10/9/1756
Smyth           James               son of John Smyth, burgess                           10/9/1756
Smyth           Lenox Charles       Esqre                                                5/5/1762
Smyth           Thomas              Esqre, son of the present recorder                   5/5/1762
Smyth           Charles             Esqre, son of the present recorder                   5/5/1762
Smyth           George              Esqre, son of the present recorder                   5/5/1762
Smyth           Amos George         son of the Revd. John Smyth                          5/5/1762
Smyth           Edward              son of the Revd. John Smyth                          5/5/1762
Smyth           John                Esqre, Boltyboy, Co Wicklow                          11/5.1762
Smyth           James               late Surveyor, Port Limk.                            11/5.1762
Smyth           John                son of Furlong Smith, Newcastle                      25/9/1765
Smyth           George              son of Philip Smyth, Esqre                           11/10/1779
Smyth           James               son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, rector of Enniskillen   30/6/1788
Smyth           Carew               son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, rector of Enniskillen   30/6/1788
Smyth           Edward              son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, rector of Enniskillen   30/6/1788
Smyth           Thomas              son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, rector of Enniskillen   30/6/1788
Smyth           Finch Eyre          son of Alderman Philip Smyth                         30/6/1788
Smyth           Philip              son of Alderman Philip Smyth                         30/6/1788
Smyth           Charles             son of Alderman Philip Smyth                         30/6/1788
Smyth           George              son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, Archdeacon of Lismore   30/6/1788
Smyth           Thomas              son of the Revd. Thos Smyth, Archdeacon of Lismore   30/6/1788
Smyth           John                son of the Revd. Chsas Smyth, Burgess                30/6/1788
Smyth           Chas                Esqre, Castlepark                                    12/10/1789
Smyth           Charles             merchant                                             29/6/1807
Smyth           Daniel              Lieut, L.C.M.                                        29/6/1807
Smyth           Nicholas            Gentn                                                10/10/1814
Smyth           Chas                son to Dr. Smyth, Molesworth Street, Dublin          6/8/1817
Smyth           Carew               Esqre, Recorder                                      14/2/1823
Smyth           Henry               Sliver smith, marriage                               28/6/1830
Smyth           Eyre                Esqre, late Lt Col 62d Regt                          28/6/1830
Smyth           Charles             Esqre, birth of Southhill                            10/10/1835
Southwell       Richard             Revd                                                 1/10/1750
Spaight         Thomas              Esqre                                                7/5/1747
Spaight         Thomas              Esqre, his son                                       7/5/1747
Spaight         William             Esqre                                                7/5/1747
Spaight         Richd               of Durrow, King's County                             11/5.1762
Spaight         William             Esqre, Corbally, Co Clare                            4/12/1792
Spaight         Francis             merchant                                             11/10/1819
Sparling        Christopher         marriage                                             28/6/1824
Spread          Charles             Esqre, Landsdown Lodge                               7/3/1814
Spread          Montiford           Esqre                                                29/8/1823
Spring          Thomas              Esqre                                                24/9/1770
St. Laurence    Lord                son of the Earl of Howth                             4/12/1792
St. Leger       Chichester          Esqre, Doneraile                                     1/10/1750
St. Leger       Warham              Esqre, City Cork                                     10/10/1763
Stamer          Henry               Esqre, of Latoon, in the Co. Clare                   6/3/1746
Stamer          William             merchant, Dublin                                     13/10/1794
Stamer          Henry               druggist                                             13/10/1794
Stamer          John                gentn, Clare                                         13/10/1794
Stamer          Lovelace            4th Dragoon Guards, son of Sir Wm Stamer             6/8/1817
Stamer          William             Esqre, son of Sir Wm Stamer                          6/8/1817
Standish        John                Esqre                                                12/9/1757
Standish        John                Lieut, L.C.M.                                        15/2/1813
Stanley         Hans                Sir Rt Honble                                        30/6/1766
Stapleton       Bryan               Attry, Dublin                                        13/10/1794
Stephens        William             leather merchant                                     15/2/1813
Stephens        Thomas              son to Wm Stephens, leather merchant                 28/6/1819
Stepney         George              son of Aldn Stepney                                  11/5.1762
Stepney         Philip              son of Aldn Stepney                                  11/5.1762
Stepney         Kilner              son of Aldn Stepney                                  11/5.1762
Stevelly        Jonas               Esqre, son of the six clerks                         10/10/1791
Stevelly        Robert Junr         Merchant, Cork                                       10/10/1791
Stevelly        George              Merchant, Cork                                       13/10/1794
Stien           John                Esqre                                                30/6/1817
Stienson        William             Sadler, Gort                                         29/6/1817
Stoney          George              Esqre, Co Tipperary                                  30/9/1771
Stritch         Coakley Abraham     Revenue Officer                                      27/6/1801
Stuart          Thomas              Hearth collector, District of Limerick               11/10/1790
Stuart          John                Hearth money collector                               10/10/1791
Stuart          John                Esqre, son of Thos Stuart, Clare Street              14/2/1823
Stuart          Patrick             Corporal, L.C.M.                                     4/12/1823
Stuart          Charles             Eldest son of Thos. Stuart                           29/8/1823
Studdert        Thomas              Esqre, Bunratty, Co Clare                            4/12/1792
Studdert        George              Esqre, Kilkishen                                     4/12/1792
Studdert        George              Revd Kilkeedy                                        27/6/1801
Studdert        Thomas              Merchant                                             27/6/1801
Studdert        George              Linnen draper, Dublin                                6/8/1817
Studdert        Thomas Junr         Esqre, Bunratty House                                6/8/1817
Studdert        Richard             Revd Kilkishen                                       14/1/1819
Studdert        Ion                 Esqre, Elinhill                                      28/6/1819
Studdert        George              Esqre, Clonderlaw                                    11/10/1819
Studdert        George              Esqre, his son                                       11/10/1819
Studdert        Jonas               Esqre, son of George of Clonderlaw                   11/10/1819
Studdert        Maurice             Esqre, son to the late Revd.                         11/10/1819
Studdert        Joseph Gabbett      Esqre, son to the late Revd George Studdert Gabbett  11/10/1819
Studdert        Charles             attorney, son of Thos. Studdert, Esqre, Bunratty     11/10/1819
Studdert        George              Upper Glentworth street, marriage                    5/1/1835
Sudderland      John                Clothier                                             3/10/1757
Sullivan        William             clothier                                             9/9/1748
Sullivan        Thomas              pewterer                                             11/5.1762
Supple          Boyle               Gentn                                                5/9/1758
Supple          Richard             Corporal, L.C.M.                                     29/6/1817
Swan            Bellingham Wm       Town Major, Dublin                                   27/6/1801
Swinburn        Anthony             Hotel Keeper                                         29/6/1817
Synge           George              Esqre, Rathmore, King's County                       13/10/1794


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