A Little Bit of Ireland

THE connaught journal
Galway, Thursday, October 2, 1823


The duties of Mr. HANNEGAN, the Assistant
Commissary-General, have fortunately ceased in this District, and that much-respected Gentleman
is now in the Metropolis. Mr. HANNEGAN was expressly sent down here by his Majesty's Government for the purpose of superintending and Dealing out its supplies for the relief of our poor people; and it is not extravagant in us to say, that no Gentleman could have been appointed to the arduous trust, possessing those feelings for the poor objects by whom he was surrounded, or more zeal or efficiency in carrying into operation the objects of his benevolent superiors. We have ourselves observed him labouring with the closest assiduity in his professional pursuits, and we were sorry to find that he was near falling a victim to disease, caught in his unreserved attention to the wants and misery of the lower classes, at a time when they were afflicted by an epidemic, which forced the great part of our respectable population to removed far from the seat of disease. Men should be rewarded even for doing their duty, especially now-a-days, when so many are inclined either to relax in their exertions, or altogether to outstep the line of their business. We know of no man who deserves better of the town of Galway than Mr. HANNEGAN- the public has seen his worth- we are persuaded it knows how to appreciate his exertions.


     Since writing the above, we are rejoiced to find that we have been anticipated by the unanimous voice of the Public, which will be found in our advertising columns; and we have been reluctantly obliged to omit more than half the signatures which have been handed in for insertion.


     CORK, SEPT. 26- The information which we communicated on Monday, relative to the detection of the worse than savages implicated in the murder of the unfortunate and unsuspecting family of the Franks, was perfectly consistent in its details. The younger Sheehan who sat in conclave when their doom was sealed, but who denies having been inside the house when the murderous edict was executed, as the only atonement he can make for this atrocious outrage against the laws of God and man, has furnished the information, which has been followed up with promptness by Major Carter, and has led to the apprehension of six of these concerned in as wicked and wanton a murder, as any that has been committed within our recollection. They were brought in to Doneraile on Wednesday, and lodged in the Bridewell, preparatory to their transmission to the County Gaol. The female clothes, in which the ruffian leader acted so conspicuous a part, have also been secured, with traces of the blood of the victims on them, and other proofs which will further assist, should any be wanted, in establishing the guilt of the parties in custody.
     It is rather a remarkable circumstance, and perhaps not inappropriate to notice here, that at the period of Sheehan, who was prosecuted by the young Mr. Franks, having received sentence of transportation, Mr. Franks addressed a Gentleman who sat near him in Court, in the following emphatic terms:--"Now I may go home and make my will as speedily as possible."--Constitution

     A circumstance of a very painful nature occurred yesterday at the barracks, which we are sorry it has fallen to our duty to record, particularly as the regiment it has taken place in, is remarkable while in this garrison, for the gentlemanlike deportment of the officers and the remarkable good conduct of the men. A private of the 12th Lancers, of the name of M'Cann, who had been slightly reprimanded, as we are informed, applied for a Court of Inquiry into his conduct, which was granted, and the reprimand confirmed. Not satisfied with this decision, he applied for a Court Martial, which was as promptly complied with, but while it was depending, and a verdict grounded on the two former decisions likely to be returned, he repaired to the stables provided with his pistols, and had been there a short time, when a Lieutenant of the regiment went in, whom he fired at; the ball passed close to the body, and most providentially missed him, the unfortunate man then presented the other pistol to his head to commit self-destruction, in which we regret to state so far succeeded as to mangle it in such a manner as to leave little hope of his recovery.--Ibid.

     Another instance of resistance to the laws, accompanied with outrage, occurred yesterday within five miles of this city. The facts are these:- Mr. Hewson, High Constable, accompanied by Mr. Whitney, Peace Officer, and about twenty men, including keepers, went to make a distress on some lands about eight miles from this city, on the Bandon road. They arrived there at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and Mr. Hewson having made known his business to the proprietor, they took several head of cattle in charge, which the lawless rabble perceiving, they attacked the keepers with stones, but Mr. Hewson having remonstrated with them on their conduct, they desisted, and the keepers drove off the rabble towards town.
     About an hour and half afterwards, a man came riding furiously towards them, and addressing one of the drivers who was in the rear, said he had a Magistrate's order to regain the cattle, to which the man replied that he had better present it to Mr. Hewson, instead of which he gallopped off a considerable distance, hallooing, and calling on all he met to assist in retaking the cattle.
     In a short time a great number assembled, who, the sooner to arrive at the spot, got some two and thee on each horse; when Mr.Hewson, perceiving the danger his men were in, he told the man who first rode up, and who seemed to be their leader, that if they were determined to rescue the cattle, he would not prevent them, but requested that no injury be done to his men. The cattle were then rescued, and when at some distance off, the people commenced a dreadful attack on the party with stones; beat some of them in a cruel manner, and obliged the entire to seek their safety in flight. Some of the men were much cut and bruised with stones.



     On Wednesday night, at ten o'clock, five persons, advanced in years, and filled with "dire revenge," lay perdue in the Straw-market, Smithfield, and perceived that arch sans culotte, Cupid, stealing softly towards the apartment of a certain matrimonial blacksmith- in his hand he bore a half-lighted hymenal candle, and was followed by a pretty little Milkmaid, with sparkling eyes and a rosy complexion. Her lover ran by her side, urging on the wanton god to stir his stumps, and join him in holy marriage him and his enamoratta, who had flown on "love's light wings" from Mount Venus, near Rahtfarnham, for "stony limits cannot keep love out." Just as they had reached the very porch of Hymen's Journeyman, the above five grave personages, viz. the parents, and uncles of Madame Cowslip, uttering a dismal roar, scared Venus's urchin, who fled away in a trice. The hoarse guardians of the night advanced and seized the Bridegroom, who in lieu of slumbering in Elysian groves had to content himself all night in durance, and sigh through the churlish bars of an envious lock-up room. The disappointed Cowslip, while the big drops chased each other down her burning cheeks, was most unwillingly removed to her quandam abode and  was obliged to return to Mount Venus once again.
     The following day the disconsolate lover, whose name is Jem Brien, followed by his Privy Councillor, one Mistress Margaret Fitzpatrick, attended by a Mister and Mistress MacCormack, appeared at the principal seat of Magisterial authority in this Metropolis, and underwent a long examination before the Sitting Magistrates.
     Miss Catherine Madden, of Mount Venus, near Rathfarnham, the young Lady who intended to become Mistress Jem Brien, appeared covered with blushes. She, hereself, was charged with having taken £13 in Bank Notes, from Mount Venus, near Rathfarnham, together with some house-linen also. After the customary prelude to articulation, such as twirling her apron-strings, she cast a pitiful  glance at her tristful swain, over her right shoulder; he stood transfixed by her side, looking like the Gentleman described by Billy Shakspeare, who drew "Prism's curtains in the dead of night," and softly said he was not to blame as much as Mistress Margaret Fitzpatrick, her father's servant, who had "gone between them very oft," and advised her to take the young man - by no means an ugly fellow; also said, "put money in your purse, make you low bow now or never."- At her instance she said she came to Mrs. MacCormack, the Lady of a Watchman in Kevin-st., on Wednesday morning, and offered him the £13 as a fortune; he refused taking her with all the rhino, generously declaring he would only have himself and £2 of it. He ultimately handed over the money to an ex-valet, who was present, who prudently remarked that he would deposit it in the Savings' Bank; he went out for that purpose, but whether he went to deposit it in the London or American Savings' Bank, has not yet been discovered, for he has vanished. Mrs. MacCormack recommended that the wedding should be solemnized at the hour of ten on Wednesday night.
      The MAGISTRATE- Did Mrs. Fitzpatrick advise you take the money from your Father?
     Intended Bride- She did, Sir.
     Mrs. Fitzpatrick- your Worship, it is a lie! I only told you, Miss, if you took the money from home you would ruinate your people- yes, your Worship.
     Intended Bride- Indeed, Sir (gaining confidence) she bid me take my lob, now or never, and I gave the Notes to Jemmy, who said he would have nothing to do with more than two of them.
     Mrs. MacCormack said, "The Couple Beggar will wed you both in a great hurry for 5s and when you go home he can take the wedding off, and the Priest will put it on again."
     Informations were taken against Mistress MacCormack, who stands in an unpleasant situation for a Privy Councillor, for by a late Act of Parliament Persons urging Minors and Apprentices to such conduct, as above described, becomes liable to a severe punishment on conviction.
     The Lovers have thus been separated, and their ardour cooled by the icy arm of the law.


     Tuesday, a number of persons assembled round Usher's-quay Police-office, attracted by the arrest of a young Gentleman, whose appearance and manners were of the first respectability; his former life had been always considered so, and as he was taken off to be examined, the spectators could scarcely credit the evidence of their senses, when apprised that he stood charged with robbery or shoplifting. From the evidence produced at the investigation which took place before the Magistrates a few moments after he had been arrested, it appeared that his name was George Devereux; he has been for some time on intimate terms with the Messrs. Orr & Co. of Merchant's-q and received from them the most particular attention at all times; he was Mr .Orr's guest- received kindly at his  table-introduced to his friends, and most ungratefully has he repaid his hospitality, if the statement against him be supported. He is owner or director of a vessel now in this harbour, and has been for some time speaking of sailing to Portugal or Spain, on a mercantile adventure. he called often at the ware-rooms on Merchant's-quay, lounged about, talked over the news of the day, and made visit after visit- indeed it is now remembered that he was wont to make visits to the Messrs. Orr's establishment seven or eight times in the course of even a day. Latterly, property to some amount has been missing, and the proprietors ere for some time quite at a loss to account for the circumstance; at length, suspicion was created that Mr. Devereux was not acting perfectly right. Tuesday, shortly after 12 o'clock, while he stole carelessly about Mr. Orr's premises, a young man named John Munrow, in the employment of the Messrs. Orr, ascending the ware-room gallery, cautiously concealed himself behind a curtain, and watched Mr. Devereux's proceedings. He was not so long employed when he observed him snatch up some pieces of calico, and imagining that he was unobserved, secreted them about his person; he then went away with them, and returned in a quarter of an hour, when he took three more pieces of calico, and left the house, but was followed by Munrow and others, who came up with him at the end of Winetavern-street, never having lost sight of him from the moment he took the last pieces. Two of the patrol of Usher's-quay were passing at that instant, and secured him; he was brought before the Magistrates and examined.
     One piece of calico was discovered in his hat, which being full, merely stood balanced on his head; the other two pieces were skillfully swathed round his body; hanging down behind his knees, they were fastened round his waist with twine, and just concealed from observation by the skirts of a fashionable frock coat. He said little in presence of the Magistrates, but appeared to have recovered from his frightful infatuation, and to be fully conscious of the situation he stood in; he shuddered and looked much embarrassed. He referred the officers to Winetavern-street, where he deposited some of the property; there were three pieces of Mr. Orr's calico found there; the owner of the house, Bridget Kavanaugh, was brought into custody by Peace Officer Samuel Campaigne, and held over for further examination. Mr .Devereux was committed to Newgate for further examination. He begged permission to go in a coach, which was allowed. He had been married a short time since to an amiable and respectable woman,and on his return from Oporto, whither he declared his intention to sail from Dublin in a few days, he was to have brought home seventy pipes of wine, and the freight of which the Messrs. Orr would have given him. His dealings with the Messrs. Orr were some time since very extensive; leaving this he has frequently purchased their manufactured goods to the amount of 15 or 1600l.
     A crowd of person followed the coach in which he was driven off to Newgate.


Assistant Commissary-Gen.,


WE, the undersigned, agree to the Address to WILLIAM HANNEGAN, Esq. Assistant- Commissary-General, who was sent here by the Government last Season, to distribute Food to the Poor of the County of the Town, and County, &c. &c.

James Hardiman Burke,
James Daly, Warden,
Thomas Coffey, Clerk,
J.H. Blakeney (for the East part of Galway)
Robert Martin, Ross, (for the West part of the County.)
Matthew Thomas Smyth,
William M. Smyth,
John Kelly,
Martin Kinneavey,
Michael Kelly,
James O'Flynn,
Godfrey Mitchell,
John Blakeney,
Edmund Burke,
Redmond Comins,
Francis Mahon,
 Patt Joyce,
Henry Cannon,
James O'Dogherty,
Anthony Lynch,
Coll Kelly,
W. Hanlon,
Thomas Mahon,
Henry S. Persse, sen.
Richard Winston
Andrew Lynch,
William Persse,
Martin Hughes,
Richard Adams,
Patt Fynn,
Bartholomew Fynn,
James Fynn,
Patt Joyes J.
John Moore,
Joseph Seaver,
Charles O'Hara,
James Comyn,
James Duggan,
Charles Verdon,
T. Foppleton,
John Clayton,
Patt Clayton,
Oliver Ormsby,
John O'Shaughnessy,
Nicholas E Browne,
Thomas Bodkin,
William Costello,
Thomas Costello,
Richard Pearse,
James Mitchell,
Adam Barlow,
David Mitchell,
William Murphy,
John and James Burke,
John Burke,
James Blake,
John Blake,
Henry S. Persse, jun.
Patt Martin,
Walter Staunton,
Austin Quinn,
Joseph Dickenson,
Andrew Blake.


[From the Belfast News-Letter]

     That the Roman Catholics of this Country have increased in number during the last century and a half is a much greater ratio than the Protestants, is known to every man acquainted with the statistical affairs of Ireland. We shall, however, lay some proofs of the fact before our readers, and then proceed, without further preamble, to investigate the causes from which such a remarkable disparity proceeds.
     It appears from certain records of the Manor of Newry, that in October, 1756, Lancelot Watson, High Constable of that town, made a census of that part of it which is situated in the County of Down, and found there 2430 Protestants, and 1249 Roman Catholics.--So that the Protestants were to the Roman Catholics in nearly the ratio of two to one. At present, however, the Romanists of this very district vastly exceed the Protestants in numbers.
     Further- We learn from Ware's Cesta Hibernorum, page 181, that on the 8th of August, 1644, a census was made of the citizens of Dublin (that is, the adults) and there were found to be 5541 Protestants, and 2608 Romanists. At present the Romanists of Dublin far exceed the Protestants in number.
     Further- About fifty years ago, it would have been a very difficult thing to find 300 Roman Catholics in Belfast and its neighbourhood. At present, at least 3500 of that persuasion attend the two Chapels in this town.
     Again- We find by a census recorded in the Hibernian Dominicania of the accurate De Burgh, that in the year 1731 the inhabitants of Ireland amounted to 2,010,221 of whom 700,453 were Protestants-1,309,768 Roman Catholics; so that there were not in all Ireland two Romanists to each Protestant.
     At present the population of this Country, as found by the late census, amounts to 6,846,849. The relative number of Protestants and Catholics may be approximated in the following manner: By a return of the number of all the Presbyterian Congregations in Ireland, which the Editor of the News-Letter has taken some pains to procure, and that number fairly multiplied by a proper average of families, and these again by the individuals which they consist, the amount is found to be 530,440 or thereabouts. The other Protestants, including the Members of the Established Church, the Independents, Methodists, Quakers, Baptists, & others, may be estimated at 720,000, so that the Protestants in all may be considered as amounting to 1,250,000, leaving 5,596,849 as the number of Romanists in Ireland, that is betwixt four and five to each Protestant.
     And now we shall briefly investigate the causes which have produced so marked an effect.
     First then, There has been in the course of the last 120 years, a vast emigration from Ireland to North America. At first the Emigrants were almost exclusively Protestants, because the aborigines of the country have perhaps a stronger affection for their native land, and a higher opinion of its advantages than the inhabitants of any other region on earth.- They have even a local attachment to the very soil, and will cling to it and divide and subdivide their fields amongst their respective families, whilst their remains even a rood of partition.
     Now, Emigration from any Country rapidly increases its population, because it leaves its Non emigrant youth more a their ease, and thus encourages marriages and the multiplication of families, for which improvements in agriculture afford, for a considerable time, a corresponding support; till an over pressure of population becomes again an inducement to spirited and adventurous persons to change the scene. Thus the Counties of Armagh and Monaghan, from which Emigration has always been brisker than from any other part of Ireland, have so vastly increased in population, that there is not one acre for the support of each inhabitant. Yet this is the very district, where sums of money to keep the People at home, lest this country should be left a desert.
     It is therefore evident, that an emigration solely Protestant, must have tended mightily to increase the Roman Catholic population which remained to fill the vacancies thus in the first instance produced. In latter times, some Romanists have emigrated- but their number is to that of the Protestant Emigrants as on to thirteen, as we found some time ago by inquiries which we made from year to year, in Newry harbour, where many embark for the United States.
     2dly- The Protestant youth, who are chiefly the descendants of English and Scotch families, will pause before they marry, and will make previous inquiry whether there be any prospect of their being able to support their expected families with some degree of comfort. On the other hand, an aboriginal Irish peasant, if he thinks he shall be enabled to procure potatoes for the food of his intended wife and hoped for offspring, and the coarsest kind of covering for their clothing, will marry without further thought, & commit the sequel to Providence.
     3dly- When intermarriages take place betwixt Roman Catholics and Protestants, in nine instances out of ten the issue is educated in the Faith of Rome- for the Romanists generally believe that there is no salvation out of the pale of the Papal Church- whilst the Protestants, entertaining a more liberal idea, thinks that his or his consort's soul may be saved without any change of religion. Hence, the zeal of the one infinitely exceeds that of the other, and as it borders on intolerance, a corresponding effect is produced. The facts of which we now speak are glaring, and must be open to every man's observation.
     4thly- Doctrinal opinions are inculcated much earlier into the infant minds of the children of Roman Catholic than of Protestants. As soon as they can speak, they are taught to repeat Ave Maria and other prayers, and habituated to the splendid ceremonies of their Church. They are also taught orally, either by their Parents or their Clergymen, to recite Catechisms even before they can read and write. In the very first dawn of the understanding, they are led to believe that their Church is an infallible guide in religious matters, and that it would be impious to question any of its decisions. Thus, the doctrines of the Roman Church make a part of their earliest and most durable impressions, They are identified, as it were, with their mental existence, and associated with the most interesting recollections of their parents and friends, and of all on whom they had implicitly relied in the helplessness of their tender years. Their very intellects are prostrated before the power of a Church, the infallibility of which they never dared to doubt.- Their imaginations, also, are amused and captivated by the pompous and imposing ceremonies of he Romanish Church, and they look upon the more simple forms of Protestants as comparatively stupid and uninteresting. They are, therefore, shielded as far as possible, from proselytism, or from the adoption of opinions which an authority that they may deem divine has pronounced to be heretical, schismatical and damnable.
     On the contrary- Protestants hold the right of private judgment, and will not submit to the mere dictation of any Church, nor adopt its doctrines, further than they deem them to be founded on the Scriptures. They are, of course, not precluded from the change of opinion.
     5thly- Political disabilities affecting the Roman Catholic body are felt by all, and united them all in one common cause. They excite a powerful and perpetual re-action; and whether they be the result of judicious or injudicious laws, they keep alive l'espirit de corps, and render the Romanists peculiarly anxious to guard and increase their present privileges, and to augment their numerical strength.
     Whilst we have thus adverted to the great increase of the Roman Catholics of Ireland in numbers, we have made no reference to the rest of the United Empire. In Great Britain, the Protestants are so decidedly superior in numbers to the Roman Catholics- their wealth so immense- their influence so extensive and the power of the State by which their religion is supported so irresistible- that even if the Roman Catholics of Ireland were inclined to  make any effort to separate the two Countries, or to subvert the established Constitution, the struggle would not be of long duration. They would be crushed in the vain attempt. This was an undertaking which Napoleon, aided by the Continental Monarchs of Europe, was not able to achieve, even in the very zenith of his power.


THE connaught journal
Galway, MONday, October 6, 1823


     LIMERICK, SEPT. 27- On Wednesday last, as a man named Daniel Mahony was cutting rushes on a mountain called the Commons, in the Parish of Killeedy, an altercation occurred between him and his partner (Richard Roche) in the farm, respecting a right of boundary, when, melancholy to relate, Mahony, who was armed with a scythe, instantly struck a blow, which literally divided the body, and laid open the bowels of his unfortunate opponent, which deprived him of life. An Inquest was held on the body by John Cox, Esq. Coroner, and a verdict given accordingly. The delinquent has as yet escaped justice.

     The Police stationed at Cappagh, in this County, have for a length of time been on the look-out for a noted offender, named Michael M'Donnell, alias Sowney, who never was to be found at his residence. They patroled that neighbourhood last night, and visited the house of this noted delinquent, who was still absent. The party sat down in perfect silence, keeping the inmates within, until six o'clock in the morning, when Master Mick walked into the net. He is fully committed for trial under the Insurrection Act.


     Yesterday morning, two of a number of wretched beings, who from want of a home take shelter for the night in the lime kiln at Loug-lane, Kevin-street, were found suffocated; one of them, named Grumly, was found on the lime in the kiln, and is supposed to have fallen in off the rim (where they lay) when struggling with the suffocation. A third man was discovered in time to have him removed to an hospital, and it is expected he will recover. Within this past year there have been five persons discovered suffocated in the same kiln, and we have before observed upon the necessity of the Police or the Proprietor adopting some method to prevent this waste of life. Mr. M'Carthy, Coroner for the County, held an Inquest on the bodies, when the Jury returned a verdict that the deceased were found suffocated.--Freeman's Journal


     Early on the morning of Sunday last, the Shop in Cross-street, belonging to Mr. Barlow, painter and glazier, was forcibly entered through one of the windows, and cash to the amount of £1 taken from the till. No precise opinion can as yet be formed as to the miscreant who affected this robbery; but it is strongly conjectured that some person in the neighbourhood who had been present when the cash was paying, must be either principal in, or privy to it. It has not as yet been ascertained whether any further damage has taken place.


THE PROPRIETORS of the MADEIRA ISLAND & NUN'S ISLAND BREWERIES, beg leave to acquaint their Friends and the Public that they are under the necessity of advancing the prices of their Malt Liquors from this date.
         ALE to £2 5s 6d.}
          BEER,    1 5   0  }       per Tierce.
     And thereby pledge themselves to make these Articles of such Strength and Quality as the Prices of Malt and Hops will enable them to do.
Galway, October 6, 1823.

Dissolution of Partnership.

THE Public are requested to TAKE NOTICE, that the Firm of ADAMS, CANNON & Co., late of New-Castle, Brewers and Co-partners, has been Dissolved by mutual consent, on the 29th September instant. All persons indebted to the Establishment are requested to pay the amount of their Accounts to Mr. H. CANNON; and the empty Vessels due, if not forthwith returned, will be charged in account.
     Galway, September 30, 1823.


O'DONOVAN, Pawnbroker,

     Informs the Public that he does still and will continue to Lend MONEY at his Office, Lombard-street, on his Established System. Any report to the contrary is FALSE, and grounded only in MALICE and ENVY.
     O'DONOVAN takes this opportunity of returning his sincere Thanks to the Hon. Martin Ffrench for his very zealous and active conduct on the night of the 30th of September, in the protection of his and the public property.
     Galway, October 6, 1823.

And Immediate Possession given,
Lately occupied by MR. BROWNE.

     In the rear is a good GARDEN, STABLE, and Extensive OFFICES.
     Application to be made to John Kean on the Premises.
     October 6, 1823.

County of Galway
By Public Auction,

     In the latter end of the Month of NOVEMBER, in the City of DUBLIN, by direction of the Grantee of an Annuity charged on the Estates and of Trustees appointed to secure the payment, pursuant to express and full power given for that purpose, ALL THAT AND THOSE, the Towns and Lands of GRALAGHDUFF, otherwise MARNALL'S-GROVE, containing 163 acres- CORLACK, otherwise CREGANE, containing 53 acres.
     The above lands are situated in the half-barony of Ballymore,and county of Galway, and are of a superior quality.
     Due Notice will be given of the Day and Place where said Sale will take place.
     For further particulars apply to Thomas Burke, Esq., Solicitor, 10, Stafford street, Dublin, or if before the first day of November next, at Ballydugan, Loughrea.
October 6, 1823.

At RENVYLE, on FRIDAY, the 24th OCTOBER and the following Day,

     Consisting of High-bred Durham and Devon COWS, and BULLS and HEIFERS, of all Ages, South Down SHEEP, Suffolk Punch HORSES, and FARMING UTENSILS of every description.


     Good accommodation to be had at Clifden, Westport, and other Places in the Neighbourhood.
     October 6, 1823.





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