Buffalo "Town Gossip"

Davenport Daily Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; October 17, 1878

     The result of the township election was but the reinstallment of the usual officers, viz: For Justices of the Peace, H. Hoffbauer, J.R. Porter; Trustees, W. Sauer, S. Brus, C. Kautz; Clerk, J. Murer; Constables, J. Dowell and H. Holt; Assessor, C. Pahl. Our neighbors from the Fatherland are a unit, we are broken up by partizanship. One happy and unusual feature of the day was the closing of the drinking saloons.

Davenport Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday morning, May 4, 1880

Buffalo Items
BUFFALO, IA, May 3, 1880.
- H.H. Cass has erected a substantial building, 30x54 in which he has placed his planning machines. Our worthy lumber dealer has invented several thousand dollars this spring for machinery and we ask the people of Buffalo and vicinity to patronize so enterprising a man as Mr. Cass.
- Dr. Cozad of Andalusia, informs us that a weekly paper will be published in his city in a few weeks. We predict for the owner and editor plenty of time to play croquet, little pay, and the companionship of an assignee in about twelve months. We hope, however, that the enterprise will be eminently successful.
- Jacob Schuk, of Missouri, is visiting Mr. Louis Schuk, his brother.
- Mrs. David Benedict, daughter of Henry Parr, of Fulton township, Muscatine county, died at her home in Newton last week. The remains were interred in the cemetery on her father’s farm.
- Edward Wright, who for the past season bought grain for W.S. Richie, of Muscatine, intends to make Buffalo his home for a while.
- John Rown reports business in farming machinery much better this spring than last. Rowan is business and deals justly.

Muscatine Journal; Muscatine, Muscatine, Iowa; July 7, 1880  


Buffalo, Iowa, July 4, 1880 [Scott Co.]

      Eds. Journal - The celebration of our national holiday was generally accepted as most fitting on yesterday by all those who love the country and desire to continue its blessings of liberty to other generations.

      At Blue Grass yesterday, Dr. Rhea, of Davenport, spoke to 500 people, and we were impressed that his words had a savor of "life unto life" or of "death unto death." They were plain words, clothed in a pleasant, jolly, holiday dress, and ought to help heavenward. But the condition of the Blue Grass people is strange and distressing. How they can sit compacently by and see saloons planted one after another in their midst, breeding moral pestilence and death, is a strange mystery to us. Twenty years have passed and each drunkard maker who wnet there was required to evacuate promptly as if he were a small pox victim. Now, they weem to have turned and kissed the murderer's ax and say by their action, "go, slay our sons, they are fit only for the spoiler."

      Blue Grass has come in possession of this great mine of iniquity by the acquiesence of her church people. It could not have beenn, had they said it shall not be. They are not cowards, but placed their standard low, and it would seem the drunkard makers themselves their equal, in in fact so declare. We would say let the people rise up in their might. lift up the trailing banner of the great King of Kings, and in his name rally and shout victory over this worst of foes.

      Cross Roads celebrated and that strong man, Dr. Collins, editor of the Northwestern News, addressed the people. It was a grand effort. It would have been better if the Cross Roads people had joined their celebration to Blue Grass. They would have done so, but were informed the rally at Blue Grass was not in the name of temperance, which was an error. Both were temperance celebrations. Had they been in the interests of sin, a much larger crowd would have been in attendance.

      The drunkard makers have had a very great success in their 4th of July celebration at that place, judging from the number of men being taken home by some one, tottering like some decayed structure.

      A young man offers for sale a large wrench used in putting together iron pipe. It is of the latest pattern and has a movable die or fulcrum. A J Allen secured it for 50 cents. Any one proving property can have the sam by paying expenses. It was said to have been picked up on the road near Muscatine and has the dealer's cost and price mark on it and is a $3.00 to $4.00 tool.

      A.J. Allen, of this place, has quit the use of tobacco, which he has used for a quarter of a century. Do not let unchristian people pray that he may keep this pledge. It is mockery.

      The rain cloud that broke over and north of this place, caused a torrent of water to rush for the river, carrying by our place fences, rye in the bundle, and a large sized calf of Henry Springmyer.


Davenport Weekly Gazette ;Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 9, 1881

Buffalo-A School Trouble-Acquittal of the Teacher-An Entertainment-Personal Items.
Buffalo, IA., Feb. 7, 1881.

    Saturday last Mr. A.H. Ehrens, who teaches school a few miles below town, was tried for an assault and battery before Justice Hoffbauer. Several days ago Mr. E. had occasion to slap a fifteen year old boy by the name of George Sissel. It seems that the boy told several in the district that Mr. Ehrens struck him on the forehead with his fist. The Directors held a meeting and Mr. Bhey, who has charge of the boy, or some one present, proposed to let the matter drop if the teacher would acknowledge he had done wrong. This proposition not being complied with, a Mr. E.A. Lynde had Ehrens arrested. The prosecution utterly failed to propose a shadow of an assault, and the defendant was discharged. E.A. Lynde for plaintiff, M.V. Gannon for defendant. Several of the witnesses for the prosecution not understanding the nature of an oath were not allowed to testify. Mr. E. stated that he slapped the boy with his open hand, but did not use his fist.

    Mrs. H.E. Rose, of your city, gave us a rare treat last Friday evening, by reading several well selected pieces. She has a clear, musical voice, and understands the principles of elocution. Every one present was well pleased with the effort. Miss Lulu Muckle sang and played several pieces. By request Miss Anna Clark of our town, assisted by Mr. Coultran, gave us some very fine vocal and instrumental music. Miss Anna has a sweet voice and is an excellent organist. Mr. Coultran has sung before audiences in this place several times and is acknowledged to be one of our best vocalists. Master Roddy Webster, a little boy of six, sang, "Where are You Going, My Pretty Maid."

    Mr. Wm. Karges, our enterprising merchant, has finished the addition to his store. He has a splendid store room now filled with new goods that he is selling as low as any Davenport dealer. He pays close attention to the markets and is always ready to give the highest price for butter, eggs, &c. You may expect to get credit for every ounce of produce given him. His motto is "Deal justly." Call and examine his stock of dry goods and groceries, for he merits your patronage.

    Mr. John Rowan, having rented his farm, is moving his family to our town. He is going into the agricultural implement business in earnest the coming spring. He has already received a large lot of cultivators from Rock Island. He warrants every implement he sells.

    Our place is not so lively since the glass factory ceased operations. We are in full hopes that ere long that manufacture will be resumed here.

    Mrs. Henry Myers is very ill at present. Her physician thinks she may recover, but considers her case critical.

    Dr. G.R. Wells has been practicing here for a year and has met with better success than any other doctor that came to Buffalo. He is attending some of the first families of Muscating county.


Davenport Weekly Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 16, 1881

Buffalo--An Accident--A Speck of School Trouble---Business Mentions.
Buffalo, IA., Feb. 14, 1881

    Last Wednesday morning Mr. Frank Mountz started for Buffalo with the intention of going to Davenport with our townsman, Mr. H.H. Cane, to attend the Masonic Lodge. When within a mile of town his horse stumbled, throwing Mr. Mountz upon the ground with such force that his leg was broken below the knee. This a severe blow to Mr. M., who is a young, enterprising farmer, trying to make a success of his business. Dr. G.R. Wells is attending him.

    J.W. Ballord, of Andalusia had the teacher, Mr. Malcom McPhail, arrested last week because the latter handled a son of the former rather roughly. (?) Mr. McPhail told the boy, a lad of 13, to go to the teacher's desk on account of misbehavior. The command was stubbornly disobeyed, so Mr. M. took hold of the boy, who, holding to the desk, was brought out so suddenly that his head struck a desk across the aisle, causing a black eye. Mr. McPhail is a gentleman in every sense of the word and has earned a honorable reputation wherever he has taught. Captain Ballord is one of the most enterprising business men in Andalusia, as well as one of the most respectable and is highly esteemed by those that have cultivated his acquaintance. Justice W. Smith, before whom the defendant was arraigned, discharged Mr. McPhail.

    Some sneak thief visited Capt. Morehouse's clothes line some time ago and stole several dollars worth of ladies' wear.

    N.H. Cass is doing a land office business in the lumber trade. In the last few weeks he has received orders amounting to several thousand dollars from farmers that intend building in the spring. Such staunch tillers of the soil as G.W. Robinson and Philip Baker of Muscatine county and Gheater and other citizens of Blue Grass have given our energetic dealer orders ranging from $300 to $800. He can furnish you with all kinds of building material from a shingle to a stack of timber 43 feet in length. But, then, this increase of business is necessary, for a short time ago a lady boarder, weighing fully 9 pounds, was taken to be cared for until 18 years of age.

    Dr. De Lap has returned to Buffalo where he is now permanently located.

    M. Dorman & Sons carry a large stock of dry goods and groceries and sell low in order that they may hold their customers. Their great aim is to  give the best quality possible to the consumer at the lowest rate.

    Marion Stinett, of Red Oak, is visiting relatives here.

    H.H. De Santo keeps pure drugs and knows just how to compound them.

    John Rowan will pay cash for fat cattle and hogs. Davenport prices will be paid.

    Our hardware dealers, Messrs. Kruse & Bro., buy only such goods as will meet the wants of the people in this section.

    On Saturday evening next Mr. Theodore Kautz will give a masquerade ball at the Turner Hall. Grand parade in the afternoon with the sweetest of music.

    If you want a clean shave or a good cut call on our barber, Mr. H. Baker.

    Mr. Fred Kautz is leading a city life just now,  being on the jury.

Daily Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 2, 1883

     The municipal election at Buffalo, this county, was held on Saturday, and the following ticket was elected: George R. Wells, Mayor; Charles Frank, Recorder; F.J. Frank, Treasurer and also City Assessor; William Lee, D. Ochsner, C. Apple, L. Zeiker and W. Crawford, Councilmen; J.A. Dowell, Marshal.

Davenport Weekly Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 18, 1883

Buffalo, Iowa, July 18, 1883

     We have in our midst two factories. One of these manufactures stoneware in large quantities. This is operated by William Lee who for years has given employment to many of our citizens. Very little fuss does he make but he goes about his business like clock work. His ware is of superior quality, and his business integrity is never questioned. The other factory is a brick and tile work, owned by H.H. Cass. Saturday he opened his newly burnt brick kiln of over 100,000 bricks. Some were made by hand and some by machinery. Men versed in this branch of industry were surprised to note the difference in favor of the machine-made brick. They are so much smoother, so much more compact, the edges so clear cut, in short, perfect a brick, that will last for centuries. W.H. Smith, of Centreville, Iowa, is building his four tile kilns, all of which will communicate with one stack, through which the smoke will escape. The carpenters are just finishing the racks for drying tile. Some sixty thousand 3--inch tile can be dried at once. He will not give up his lumber trade, but is able to furnish anything in that line, and in a few days will place brick and tile on the market.
     Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dorman, Jr., and son Charley, arrived Friday, and will hereafter make this their home. Mr. D. has been in business at Stuart for more than a year, but owing to his father going out of the mercantile trade, he came back to take charge of the dry goods, boots and shoes on his own "hook". He is a fine business man and has a host of warm friends and old patrons here, that will be pleased to trade with him.
     Mrs. John Murer, Jr., and her bright 6-year-old daughter, of Elliott, are making glad the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Murer of this place.
     Mr. G.J. Klatt, of Blue Grass, is on the jump from morning till evening, filling orders for the reliable Buckeye Self-Binder.
     At Davenport, this morning, at 10 o'clock the five month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Reynolds died of cholera infantum. It was taken sick Saturday evening. Funeral to-morrow at 2 P.M. from the Christian Chapel, Buffalo. The parents have the sympathy of our community in their sore affliction.

Davenport Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; September 19, 1883

Special Report to the Gazette
    BUFFALO, IOWA, Sept. 18, 1883

      There was a trail at Justice Hoffbauer's Court on Saturday in which Mr. Levi Moore was plaintiff and Mr. McKarg was defendant. Mr. Moore sold Mr. McKarg a kicking cow, after having told the latter she would kick the hat off his head if she got a good chance. McKarg returned the cow refusing to pay for her. Mr. M. was indignant at such boy's play, and sought justice from the court which decided that the cow should be paid for. T.J. Halbert for plaintiff and J.W. Stewart for defendant.
     A.H. Dorman received a fine lot of stoves, for both wood and coal, Saturday, from the Rock Island Stove Company. They are the ladies' friend. Prices down.
     James Bowersox, of Montpelier, has added hardware to his increasing business. James is wide awake to the wants of his customers.
     Mr. William Thompson of Fairport is building a stone ware kiln. It is to be twelve feet in diameter and seven feet high, up draught. Mr. Thompson is manufacturing very fine ware, but must thus increase his already large facilities.
     Mr. Daniel Steepleford and wife, of Warren County, are visiting at Mr. Jacob Fridley's. Twelve years ago Mr. Steepleford went to Warren from this county. He is the owner of a fine farm, well stocked, and is well pleased with Central Iowa. He has the honor of classing himself with the 20th Iowa Infantry and will attend the Reunion. Mrs. S. is a sister of Jacob Fridley.
     Miss Susie Kautz in in Springfield, Illinois, having gone there to attend the funeral of Mrs. Frank Heckle, who died on the 12th. Miss Kautz will thence go to Quincy and to the St. Louis Fair.
     Mrs. Gen. Harrison, after spending a few weeks in Dubuque has returned. The church and the Sabbath school here are greatly indebted to Mrs. Harrison for their prosperous condition, for she has worked with a zeal that is worthy of imitation.
     James Robinson, from Missouri's metropolis, is at his sister's, Mrs. James Wagoner.
     The Gold Bros. are doing the threshing of small grain in this neighborhood. They report all kinds of small grain are turning out splendidly. Farmers that paid $20 for their threshing last year, have paid $40 thus year, and that too, without an increase in the acreage.
     On Friday the birthday of Miss Minnie Bauder, and several of our young ladies agreeably surprised her with their presence and quite a number of handsome gifts.
     Mr. Dodge, one of our citizens a few years ago, has removed from Ollie to Perry. Whatever business he engages in, Perry will find Mr. Dodge an upright business man.
     Oscar Robinson is doing well in Perry, so much so that he has bought a lot and is erecting a fine residence thereon.

The Davenport Weekly Gazette, Davenport, Scott, Iowa;  November 21, 1883:
Buffalo; Notes of Neighborhood Happenings
Special Report to the Gazette
Buffalo, Iowa, Nov. 19, 1883.
Saturday evening a large party of young ladies and gentlemen surprised Henry Springmeier and family for the purpose of having a gay time in their fine new residence just completed.  The dance was kept up till 12 o’clock.  All enjoyed themselves greatly and Mr. and Mrs. Springmeier and family will long be remembered for their hospitality and geniality.
Mrs. B. W. Clark and daughter Bessie, have arrived from ST. Louis with Mrs. C’s mother, Mrs. Leedes, and will remain at Capt. Clark’s until the last of the week.  Mrs. C’s husband and Mr. Manderville, of Davenport, are down in Arkansas fishing.
The proudest and happiest man in town is H. J. C. Dorman, all on account of a beautiful baby girl whose first birthday anniversary will be celebrated Nov. 16, 1884.
O. M. Ruby, one of the most efficient pilots on the river and who has guided the finest boats up and down the Mississippi for the past twenty-seven years, has returned home having laid up his boat at Dubuque.  His affectionate family received him with open arms and our community is glad that he is again with us.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Knox, of Rock Island, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kautz, yesterday.
Our school districts have had a lot of shade trees set out in the school yard.
Mr. William Lee has thoroughly overhauled his pottery.  Everything around the place looks “wondrous neat and clean.”  Yet, some ingrate, or Chief of the Goose Thief Fraternity, kicked a panel out of the new door he had put up.
Mr. S. S. Shruers, flour manufacturer of Muscatine, was in town to-night.  The flour he makes cannot be excelled anywhere.
Next Saturday the Montpelier will debate the question: “Resolved, that the State of Iowa would be benefited by a prohibitory liquor law.”  A lively time is expected.
Miss May Halbert is giving the best of satisfaction as teacher of the district north of here.  Miss Halbert was a hardworking student and is making a hardworking instructress.
This evening about thirty young misses of about 8 years each, formed in line at the school house and marched down to little Miss Frances Kautz’s to celebrate her sixth birthday.

Davenport Gazette, Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 17, 1884

Business and Personal from a Live Town
Special Report to the Gazette
    BUFFALO, Iowa, Jan. 15, 1884

     Mr. Henry Dorman, Sen., who, was a delegate from here to the annual meeting of the Federal Life Association of Davenport, is loud in his praise of the wise management of that association. Mr. Dorman is a successful business man of many years experience and as nearly $200,000 in policies in the Federal are held by citizens here, it is gratifying to know that the managers of the affairs of the company are upright and able business men.
     At a meeting of Lightfoot Post No. 256 G.A.R. the old officers were re-elected. Their organization is growing.
     Mrs. Capt. LeRoy Dodge will give a brilliant party to her friends Wednesday evening.
    J.C. Dorman is confined to his room from malarial fever. Dr. Wells will soon ruin the fever.
     Frank Preston succeeds Louis Neimeier as landlord of the Washington hotel.
     The ice houses in town are filled with most excellent ice, being clear and some sixteen inches thick.
    Theodore Kautz prevented four old fashioned runaways, on Friday, by his promptness and fearlessness.
     Felix Mackin has a steam engine of which he wishes to dispose.
     A.J. Klatt, of Blue Grass, is making preparations for a big season's work with the Buckeye Self-binder next Summer. Those reapers did their work satisfactory last season.
     Word comes that J.M. Shelly who a number of years ago resided in Montpelier Township, Muscatine County, was killed a few days ago. He was alone in his house in Shelby County and it being supposed the murderer crept up from behind and dealt the deadly blow with an axe.


Daily Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 3, 1884

BUFFALO, Iowa, April 1, 1884
- Messrs. L.W. and W.L. Miller got $1,700 from the Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Sometime ago the residence, three miles west of here, was totally destroyed by fire. They were carrying $2,000 insurance but the foundation was, by the company, considered worth $300.
- Mrs. D.B. Morehouse of Davenport spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moorhead.
- Buffalo held her town election Saturday with the result given below: Henry F.C. Dorman, Rep., Mayor; John Murer, Rep., Assessor; Councilmen, William Lee, Rep., C. Appel, Dem., D. Ochsner, Dem, Fred Krautz, Dem., G. Swicker, Dem; W.H. Crawford, Rep., Marshal; F. J. Frank, Rep., Treasurer; Ferd. Neumeister, Dem., Recorder; Lee and Crawford are Prohibitionists. All are good men.
- Cards are out inviting friends to Miss Lucinda Porter's wedding. Miss Porter used to attend our Buffalo school. She also taught in this county. For several years, she and her parents have resided near Washington, Ia.. The young man to whom she is to be married is an honorable young farmer. Success.
- Mr. Wm. Lee has commenced business for the season. He proposes to manufacture crocks, jugs, and etc., without number and of the best quality. Mr. H.L. Tyler, one of the best turners in the west, is at his wheel in the pottery.
- Louis Mermeier was seemingly compelled to shoot Wm. Elger. It seems that Elger, Saturday eve, tried to force his way into Mermeier's saloon, and the only way the latter knew of keeping him out was to fire. Two balls No. 22 lodged in Elger's arm. No serious damage and no arrests will likely be made. Elger is a coal digger and resides in Andalusia.

Davenport Weekly Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 9, 1884

     BUFFALO, Iowa, April 7, 1884

     Yesterday one of our early settlers, Mrs. Immanuel Harsch nee Margaret Karman, was laid to rest in our cemetery. Some thing like a decade ago that stealthy yet fatal disease, consumption, commenced to make the inroads upon the constitution of this useful woman, and Friday death took her from her many sorrowing relatives. She was 68 years, 3 months and 10 days old, having been born in Biron, Germany, 1816. She crossed the Atlantic when a mere child. In the fall of 1852 she and Mr. Immanuel Harsch, who survives her, were united in wedlock. The spring following they went upon a farm of 200 acres about 3/4 of a mile north of here. All was timber and no neighbor nearer than Buffalo. Both were economical and by wisely directed efforts their farm was made extremely productive and in after years another farm of over 200 acres in Blue Grass township was purchased. Mr. Harsch's success is due in a large measure to his cheerful, careful wife. She died in Davenport, they having settled there last spring. Two of the four children are living, Rosanna, who married Fritz Kautz, and Malindar, who married Fritz Bernick. The former reside in Blue Grass township and the latter in Buffalo township. Mrs. Harsch was a model wife and mother - patient, loving and pure. Lung disease and malarial fever were the immediate cause of her death.
     Our carpenters' Messrs. Jno. and George Miner are busy as can be. This is a good index of the times.
     Jno. Rowan of Montpelier has added boots and shoes to his stock.
     James Bowers, of the same place is driving his dry goods and grocery business.
     Mrs. John Goodhand, of Montgomery county, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Crawford.
     Saturday an organization known as the Women's Independent Relief Corps was put in working order with the following officers, viz: Mrs. Samuel Heikes, President; Mrs. Jno. Voglebach, Senior Vice-President; Mrs. Julia Walker, Junior Vice-President; Miss Clara Dowell, Secretary; Mrs. Julia Rusleabacker, Treasurer; Mrs. T.J.H. Albert, Chaplain; Mrs. C. Whisler, Conductor; Mrs. R.E. Reed, Guard. The object of this organization is to care for the children and widows of soldiers in particular and all in need in general. A noble object indeed.
     Miss Laura Springmeier, after spending the winter in Quincy, returned to her home last week. Her many friends are glad to see her home again.
     Mrs. C.C. Campbell leaves for LaSalle, Wednesday. Her husband is foreman in the LaSalle glass factory. Mrs. Campbell is the daughter of our esteemed neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Ruby, and has many warm friends here.

Davenport Daily Gazette; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 13, 1885

Buffalo "Teaflets"
Special to the Gazette

     BUFFALO, Saturday, Feb. 7, 1885
     Tis a pleasant ride by way of the river road to Buffalo. The once famous Spinneville sulphur springs "resort" some eight miles distant from Davenport known as an oft frequented place by those who are easily prejudiced for a panacea for their imaginary and chronic ills, appears by the looks of the domicile, as lost to oblivion in patronage since the old doctor was obliged to skip to parts unknown, for his "cuteness" (rascality) in pocketing the proceeds from the scheme of a lottery (some few years ago) intending to redeem certain mortgages on the same.
     The place is now known as Linwood's Croquet resort and summer amusements, picnics, etc. A few miles further brings you into Buffalo a prosperous little village, and after being courtiously [sic] entertained by editor "Allen," of the Scott county Blade and having taken a circutious [sic] route around the streets you can easily perceive Buffalo, by its increased growth and plausible situation. No doubt it will be a second Buffalo in size to Buffalo, N.Y.
     There is very little, if any sickness in the place; Dr. R. Wells and the world renowned cancer doctor J.J. Gadd gives great credit as efficient physicians, and honor to the place.
     Partaking dinner with friend Frederick Kautz and a goblet of grape juice; which gave the recipient the reminder of the taste of the well flavored wine of the River Rhine, exhibited at the "Centennial" '76 and eliciting some interesting news of the place and his early career, many would strive to gain prominence in society and fashion after his handsome residence, with all its conveniences added  thereto. Glad to see my old friend and lady elated over their financial worth and pleasant home - showing as a bacon [sic] light to the young what industry and thrift can do.
     Messrs Christian Kautz and C. Swicher of Buffalo left last evening for a pleasure trip to Germany via New York to Wortenburg and also to his old home in Baden near the River Rhine, intending to visit Strasbury France to see the once famous clock and other objects by the way.
    There was a large surprise party at Capt. Gobbetts s ome 2 1/2 miles northeast of Bluegrass. The young folks from near and far came in sleighs and sled filled with blushing damsels, all intent to make merry the time. When they were ushered into the large and commodious house of the captains. The Rock Island brass band was in attendance to time the light fantastic toe which was stripped till the genial host and hostess gave the wink for midnight supper then the interpreter echoed lady's choice for pardners to rellah a bountiful spread with all the "nic nacks" of a desert. Then acon the dancing was  resumed till stars faded away in the glimmer of the gray morn.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; December 26, 1893

Buffalo, Dec. 23
- Dr. and Mrs. Laird of St. Louis assisted by James Cahl are giving some fine entertainments at the Turner hall, to advertise his medicine. One of the features was the awarding of two prizes, one to the prettiest lady in Buffalo and one to the ugliest man, the ladies balloting for the gentlemen and the gentlemen for the ladies. Mrs. Fritz Grobman was the fortunate lady. She came out with a majority of twenty. It was decided by the ladies that Mr. Wm. Flaherty the section boss, should have the prize as the ugliest man in the house.
- Sunday, December 10, occurred the death of Thomas Hues at his home in Buffalo township after an illness of two weeks which started with the grippe. Funeral services were held at the M.E. church at Buffalo. Deceased was born in 1812. He is survived by the wife who is blind, and two children, David H and Mrs. Columbus Winfield.
- At a meeting of John Lodge No. 161, A.O.U.W. the following officers were elected:
Christ Kautz - P.M.W.
Van Rauch - M.W.
Math Duere - V.
Chas. W. Keller - O.
F. Neumeister - Recorder.
F.J. Frank - Treasurer
Ph Reinbrecht - Receiver
W.F. Kautz - Guide
T. Kautz - O.G.
D. Ochsner - I.G.
M. Duere - Trustee
Chris Kautz - Rep. to G.L.
Dr. L.C. Moore - Medical Examiner.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; December 28, 1893

Buffalo, Dec. 19 - 
     At a meeting of Banner Lodge No. 16, K. of P., of Buffalo, the following officers were elected for the following year:
Geo. Kuhn - C.C.
James Williams - V.C.
Edward James - P.
Henry Westphal - M. of W.
Henry Wyley - M. at A.
Theo. Parstman [ Porstman] - K. of R. and S.
F.J. Frank - M. of F.
J.F. Kautz - M. of E.
Trustees - F.T. Logan, Henry Westphal, Thos. Peacock.

    The scholars of Riverview School Disctrict No. 4 spent a pleasant evening in contesting for the honor of best spelling. Mr. R.S. Whyte, with the assistance of another teacher, gave the words. The scene was an exciting one, as one by one the scholars misspelled the words and were not considered in the contest any longer. Masters Joe Gould and Echard Moore stood the final test.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 15, 1894

January 15, 1894

     The appointment of Hugo Hoffbauer to the post office of Buffalo is satisfactory to almost every citizen of Buffalo. He came to Scott county Iowa November 4, 1852, and has lived in Walcott and Buffalo ever since, except the time he served his country. Hugo Hoffbauer enlisted August 17, 1862, in the 14th Iowa Infantry as first lieutenant until November 7th, 1864, when he was discharged at Davenport with the regiment. On November 17th 1864, he was recommissioned to take command of the Residuary battallion [sic] of the 14th Iowa Infantry. He was honorably discharged on the first day of September, 1865, at Springfield, Ill, with the rank of major. He participated in all the battles in which the regiment was engaged during his term of service, to-wit: Fort De Russey, Pleasant Hill, Tupello, Pilot Knob and other minor engagements. He receives no pension and his appointment to the post office of Buffalo is a deserving one, as he is well qualified to fill the office. He will no doubt manage the affairs of the office to the satisfaction of the government of the United States and  the patrons of the office. As he is making preparations for taking charge of the office he had better begin practicing writing P.M. after his signature.
     At a recent meeting of the Buffalo Creamery the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Christ Kautz - President.
J.E. Dutcher - Vice-President.
Hy Springmeyer - Treasurer
Theo Porstman - Secretary
J.E. Dutcher - Director.
Jens Petersen - Director.
T. Porstman - Director
E. Zinger - Director.
     The creamery will be operated as soon as the milk becomes more plentiful in the county.

     The trustees of Buffalo have decided to enforce the law and make every able-bodied tramp, who comes and applies for lodging work from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the streets under the charge of the marshall to pay for their lodging, and then they will have to move on. This is done to try to prevent them from making Buffalo their headquarters after being run out of Davenport.

Davenport Weekly Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 7, 1894

Feb. 2, 1894

     Theo Kautz came to Buffalo with a load of coal the other day. While in Buffalo he took a chill and was taken to the home of his father-in-law John Branbecker. Dr. L.C. Moore was summoned and found he was suffering from a severe attack of lung fever, which might develop into typhoid. He was forbidden to be removed to his home.

     Mr. Carlisle of Muscatine is in Buffalo making preparations for opening a drug store. The people of Buffalo are doing all in their power to help Mr. Carlisle in this new enterprise. The correspondent of THE LEADER wishes him success.

     Hugo Hoffbauer the new postmaster of Buffalo, took charge of the postoffice on the 1st of February. His daughter, Miss Louisa Hoffbauer, was appointed assistant postmistress. She is a highly respected young lady, was born and raised in Buffalo and is well qualified for the position. Hereafter the patrons of the P.O. will receive their mail at H. and E. Hoffbauers' general merchandise store.

     Teams are crossing the ice at this point. It is from eight to ten inches thick.

Davenport Weekly Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 21, 1894


- The friends of Theo Kautz will be pleased to hear that he is able to be around again.
- The masquerade last Saturday was a success and a credit to the Turners. There were two prizes awarded for the best costumes. Mrs. Frank Kautz of Rock Island was the lucky lady. She represented the Goddess of Liberty. The prize for the gentlemen went to the Devil. His satanic majesty was represented by Adolph Murer. Some of the rough element sought admittance but were refused, whereupon they broke open the door of the refreshment room, where they were given a warm reception by the Turners and went out faster than they came in, with sore heads and sore noses.
- Henry F. Frank bought the beautiful residence of Fritz Kautz, Sr., the consideration being $13,000.

Buffalo, Ia., March 12, 1894

     There is a petition being circulated for membership among the members and families of Banner Lodge No. 16, K. of P., for organizing a Pythian sister lodge. It is meeting with much success.
     At the regular meeting at Riverside school to elect our school director, with Wm. Sauer in the chair, which resulted as follows: Henry Link and Andrew Richlen being nominated . Henry Link the former director received seven votes and Andreu [sic]  Richlen 16 votes.
     J.G. Dutcher the supervisor is in Andalusia since the 8th of March attending his uncle Mr. Conklin who is very sick and is not expected to live. He is 76 years old.
     Mrs. Hugo Hoffbauer left last Saturday for California to visit the mid-winter fair and a sister who is residing there. Her many friends with her a pleasant journey.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 4, 1894

Buffalo, Ia., March 31

     At the residence of the bride's parent, Mr. Christian Kautz, the pioneer of Buffalo township, occurred the marriage of his daughter, Miss Emma Kautz, and Mr. Edward Roth. A number of relations and friends were present and were most hearty in bestowing congratulations to the newly married couple. Mr. Roth is well known here and was for several years in the employ of Mr. Kautz. Mr. Roth wins for himself a young lady of the highest esteem, who commands the admiration of all who know her. The happy couple will take charge of one of Mr. Kautz's farms in Buffalo township. To their new home they are followed by the best wishes of all and especially by the LEADER's correspondent.
     Sunday morning occurred the death of the well-known and respected brewer, John Brandbecker. The cause of death was gangreen caused by a corn on his toe. The deceased was born over 74 years ago in Baden and came to the United States in 1851. For the last few years he had retired from business, he leaves a wife and daughter, Mrs. Theodore Kautz, to mourn his loss. Hosts of friends and acquaintances join with the family in deploring the death of the esteemed husband and father. The funeral takes place April 3 at ten o'clock. Interment at the city cemetery.
     The stone residence of Mr. Christian Kautz is receiving a general looking over according to Mr. Kautz's taste who has retired from farm life and intends to make Buffalo his home for the rest of his years. Mr. Kautz is well known in Scott county. He came to this country in 1854 and to this county in 1856.
     At the election of town officers of Buffalo last Saturday the following non-partisan ticket was elected.
C.C. Reynolds - mayor.
Chris Zogg - recorder.
C. Metzgar - marshal.
F.J. Frank - treasurer.
G.A. Neumeister - assessor.
A. Rostenbach - cemetery trustee.
G.A. Sparks - alderman.
S. Moorehead - alderman.
Wm. Lee - alderman.
F.E. Frank - alderman.
L. Ochsner - alderman.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; September 20, 1894


     The Democrats of Buffalo held a caucus last Monday to nominate township officers. It was one of the largest attended meetings the Democrats have had in a good many years. The following are the names of candidates good solid Democrats: Township clerk, Chris Zogg; Assessor, Theo. Porstman; trustee, J.F. Kautz; justice of the peace, Hugo Hoffbauer and C. Pahl; constable, Ulric Zercher and Louis Gunter.
     The school opened last week with a full attendance of little ones with Mr. Coulter as principal and Miss Mathilda Schroeder as instructress in the lower room.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; September 24, 1894


     Mrs. Jacob Meyer, who died at Buffalo, Iowa, Wednesday, Sept. 19, was brought to Blue Grass Friday for interment at the Blue Grass cemetery. The obsequies were held at the M.E. church by Rev. W.H. Jones. She was born in Kentucky, 1827, and was afterwards united in marriage to Jacob Meyer. Unto them were born ten children, five sons and five daughters. Four sons and three daughters together with their father survive her.

     John Zeiher of Buffalo has rented Julius Shiele's farm, formerly owned by the late G. Bohnsack.

Davenport Daily Tribune; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 10, 1895

- Mr. and Mrs. L. Tegerstrom of Davenport, spent Sunday with relatives in Buffalo.
- While Frank Masher was blasting stumps last week, he was seriously injured by a piece of one of the stumps flying and striking on the side of his head and face. His nose was broken besides other injuries.
- Yesterday Dr. Barewald and some doctor from Davenport, whose name we have not learned, removed a tumor from Mr. Dietrich's side. At last reports Mr. Dietrich was doing nicely.
- At the municipal election last week W.L. Miller, a staunch Republican, was elected mayor.
- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hebner of Brighton, Ill, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. H.J.C. Dorman.


Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; March 12, 1896

- At six o'clock p.m. Tuesday occurred the marriage of Louis Rosenbough and Marie Everhardt both of this city. The young couple will start to housekeeping in the Dodge residence. Their many friends in Buffalo wish them a happy future.
- The Davenport Paving Brick and Tile company under the management of Mr. Sydney, has a force of men at work cleaning up the yard and expect to start the factory about the 16th inst.
- The funeral of the late Mr. John Kearney occurred from the Catholic church on the 2nd of March. Deceased lived on a farm near Buffalo and was esteemed by all who knew him. He was 74 years of age. Two sons and two daughters survive him.
- School election was a quiet affair. Messrs. John Waspi and H.J.C. Dorman being elected as new directors.
- Mr. Ferd Bald will put up a new house on his lot on Front street. Mr. C. Walker is to furnish rock for the foundation.

Davenport Weekly Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; October 13, 1896

Jury Instructed to Return Verdict to that Effect

     The insanity hearing of George F. Stickelberger, who killed his wife down in Buffalo, Sept. 10, last came to an end in the district court this morning and on the instruction of Judge Brannan the jury returned a verdict finding that he was insane. The court ordered that he be taken to Mt. Pleasant as a private patient.
     The first witness examined this morning was Max Kautz, who lives at Buffalo and who has been acquainted with Stickelberger for many years. He said that for some time past he had noticed that the old man was acting strangely and that he had also remarked that he thought that he was losing his mind on numerous occasions. Though he had known the old man for so great a time there were times that he would not recognized the witness and after making himself known, that he was apt to ask him again before they parted what his name was. Again there were times that he seemed rational and would act as though he was all right and in his right senses.
     The next witness was Mrs. Samuel James of Jamestown in Buffalo township. The witness stated that she was well acquainted with Stickelberger and that she had seen him many times during the past year and before that. She stated that for over a year she had been of the belief that he was losing his mind. About a year ago she was driving out of town and when she had reached the end of the street car line on the Rockingham road she overtook him walking out towards home. She thought that it was rather strange that he should be undertaking such a long walk at that time of the day and at his years. She stopped and took him into the rig with her. He did not recognize her though he had known her for years. He asked her what her name was and when she told him he answered that he knew her. He would then lapse into a sort of seeming reverie when he would again arouse himself and ask her what her name was. The witness testified that this was repeated five times during the trip out to his home.
     At the close of the testimony Prosecuting Attorney Chamberlin said that he was satisfied as to the insanity of the prisoner and that there was no need of examining more witnesses. Thereupon the court instructed the jury to return a verdict of guilty.
     It retired and returned in about five minutes with its verdict. Deputy Sheriff Kuehl took the prisoner to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon on the 3 o'clock train.

The Davenport Daily Leader, Davenport, Scott, Iowa;  Friday, January 22, 1897:

Buffalo Notes
Captain and Mrs. W. L. Clark and Miss Baker spent a very pleasant evening at cards with Mr. And Mrs. H. Springmeier and family.
A number of our young people will attend the dance in Blue Grass Jan. ww.  They take advantage of these beautiful moonlight nights.
Miss Anna Egger returned this morning from a pleasant visit with friends at Reynolds, Ill.
Capt. And Mrs. Clark entertained a few young ladies at cards Monday eve.
Adolph Strohbene, of Pleasant Prairie, and Mrs. Katie Beh Hoffbauer, of Buffalo, were married at St. Ambrose college at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1897.  Miss Hulda Bernick, niece of the bride acted as maid of honor and Ben Beh, a brother was best man.  Only the relatives and a few intimate friends of the contracting parties enjoyed the festivities at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Beh.
Max Hoffbauer spent Wednesday at home.
Louis Reinbrecht was a Davenport visitor Wednesday.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; June 24, 1898


Dr. Louis Porstman has an office at Blue Grass at present, his mother is keeping house for him. - Miss E. Herbert has returned from a trip to Des Moines. - Miss Emma Kopp who has been teaching at Sandbury, Ia., is home for a vacation.


Davenport Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 27, 1900


     Buffalo, Ia., April 26- Mr. Joseph Metzger and Miss Sadie Gold, both of this place, were married at 9 o'clock yesterday at the Catholic church, Rev. Giglinger, of Davenport, officiating. A goodly number of friends of the contracting parties were present to witness the ceremony. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. H.J. C. Dorman, where the bride has lived for the past three years. At 5 o'clock p.m. the wedding party boarded the steamer W.J. Young Jr. for a trip to Quincy, Ill... The sociable given under the auspices of the ladies of the Catholic church was largely attended and a neat sum of money was cleared... Miss Mamie Binder, of Davenport, is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Egger and family...Frank & Heinseman will soon have another button factory in operation and has contracted with a New York house to sell all they can cut.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 9, 1900

     Buffalo, July 5- The Fourth passed without any accident of a serious nature at this place...Chas. C. Clark and family of St. Louis are visiting Capt. W.L. Clark and family...C.L. Sucksdorf of Davenport was in the city today...P.A. Eggers and wife, E.A. Eggers and wife and W.J. Eggers, all of Cedar Rapids, spent the Fourth with relatives in the city...Chas. Haskell and wife of Reynolds, Ill. are visiting at the Egger home...A.H. Dorman traveling salesman for the La Fayete Cracker Co. is home for a few days...The excavating for the new school house is about to be completed and the brick work will soon be commenced. Buffalo will soon have a model school building...Miss Laura Hanks, of Davenport, spent the Fourth in the city...Chas. Appel, of Davenport, spent the Fourth with his parents here...Miss Laura Appel is visiting friends in Chicago.

Davenport Weekly Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; October 23, 1900


     The meeting of the Buffalo Bryan Club, Monday was more interesting than usual owing to the presence of Henry Arp, candidate for county attorney, Henry Wunder candidate for county supervisor and F.C. Fahrenkrug candidate for county auditor. Mr. Arp addressed the members of the club in an able and interesting manner. The Bryan club is making great preparations for the Vollmer meeting which takes place Oct. 31 at Buffalo Turner Hall. Every one is invited to attend.
     John Kautz, son of Theodore Kautz, met with a painful accident Tuesday. When leaving the coal banks with a load for the tile factory, he slipped and fell, and the wagon with seventy bushel of coal passed directly over both feet. Dr. C.L. Barewald was summoned and in a short time he was able to convey him to his father's home. No bones are broken and he is doing fairly well.
     F.J. Neumeister, proprietor of the Buffalo Turner hall is seriously ill at the home of H.J.C. Dorman. He is under the care of Dr. C.L. Barewald and his many friends hope to see him out in a short time.
     Mrs. C.L. Barewald and Mrs. Geo. Sparks, have gone to Chicago to visit with a sister of Mrs. Barewald.

Davenport Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Dec 14, 1900

     Buffalo, Dec. 12- A.H. Dorman has gone to Evansville, Ind., to post up on the stone business. Mr. Dorman expects to accept a position as traveling salesman for an Evansville stone factory. His territory will be over the good state of Iowa...The Buffalo Literary Society held its first debate in the last room of the new school house Tuesday night...The quarantine on account of diphtheria at the Moorehead home has been raised and the family are therefore able to go about again in the usual manner. The quarantine at the home of Charles Frank will be raised next Sunday, and that of the Wrage family in about 10 days. No new cases have been reported so far. Our doctors have been very successful in not losing any because of the disease...Our neighbors over in Andalusia are experiencing considerable difficulty in crossing the river on account of the floating ice...Elwood Cook has gone to What Cheer where he has accepted a position for the winter months...The proprietors of the button factory are today weighing several thousand pounds of blanks preparatory to making a big shipment to New York.

Davenport Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Thursday, Nov. 22, 1900

Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Morehead the Victim.

     Several cases of diptheria have been reported in certain parts of the county in the past few days. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Morehead in Buffalo is down with the disease and other children in the neighborhood are said to have sore throats.
     The schools of LeClaire were closed some days ago on account of cases in that place. It is claimed that the water which has been supplied to the school is not as good as it should be, and that most of the cases of diphtheria and typhoid fever hat have occurred there have been traceable to the water near the school house.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 1, 1901

Claims Her Husband Spends His Coin for Drink 

     Mathilda Rothermell began suit for divorce yesterday in the district court. She alleges her husband, Istiah Rothermell, has frequently threatened her life and is addicted to the use of too much strong drink. Mrs. Rothermell continues by stating that by thrift and economy she has become the owner of the business at 414 East Second street and that with her savings she also purchased a 12-acre farm in Buffalo township, the deed of which was, however, put in the name of her husband. She claims she stocked this farm and Mr. Rothermell sold the stock and sunk the proceeds in the convivial bowl. Then the farm, which is underlaid with coal, was leased for seven years to Lewis Long and Mr. Rothermell has been collecting the rent and squandering it, according to his wife's story.
     Mrs. Rothermell asks a divorce and also wants to be awarded the place at 414 E. Second street as well as the farm in Buffalo township. C.H. Hubbell is attorney for the plaintiff.

Davenport Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 8, 1901


     Buffalo, Ia., Feb 5- Mr. Eipper, of Port Byron, Ill., paid his brother, August Eipper, a visit this week...Mrs. Mary Moritz spent Saturday in Davenport with friends...S.M. Reynolds and A. Von Koeckerts, two of Davenports well-known traveling men were doing business in this city on Monday...Miss Bessie Moorhead returned home yesterday after a week's visit with relatives in Davenport...Rudolph Wragge was a passenger to Montpelier this morning...The people here have begun to use the ice bridge for crossing with teams now. Louis Hoffbauer was the first to cross...The ice harvest still continues. Fourteen inches is the average thickness and quality as fine as it can be...Freddie Neumeister's delivery horse runs away on an average of about once a day this cold weather...W.H. Crawford is agent for the Davenport Times. If you want to subscribe for the paper pay any back dues or anything due connected with the Times, contact him. He will attend to your wants promptly and satisfactorily. Better subscribe now and be in line.

Davenport Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 27, 1901


     Buffalo, Ia., Feb. 26-Chas. H. Dorman will shoulder two big grips next Monday and start out selling candy and crackers for the Annen Riscult and Candy company of Green Bay, Wis....the supper and entertainment given at the Turner by the ladies of the Literary society was a grand success. A fine program had been arranged and the treasury of the society is a few dollars ahead now...Gust. Westendorf and daughter Gertie were passengers for St. Louis Monday to visit relatives...Willie Collins is confined to his room with a case of the grip...Miss Stella Moorhouse of Davenport has been visiting relatives here for a few days...The I-O-Do Medicine company has been offered $15,000 for its formula, trademark and the right to manufacture...Mr. Hummell of Indianola is visiting at the Bold home...Mrs. Winters and Mrs. Frick, of Rock Island, were called her on account of the illness of their father, Chris Kautz, last Saturday...Dr. Barewald's practice seems to be extending into some other fellow's territory. Last week he was called to see George Albrand of 812 Second avenue, Rock Island...Miss Lydia Hebner gave a coasting party last evening at the Moorehead residence, two and a half miles west of Buffalo. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H.J.C. Dorman, Dr. and Mrs. C.L. Barewald, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Sparks, Mrs. A.H. Dorman, Chas. H. Dorman and Miss Stella Moorhouse. After a couple of hours of coasting and good exercise climbing up the hill the supper announcement was made and it is needless to say that all did justice to the fine oysters that were served.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 28, 1901

Buffalo, July 27 -
Mrs. Porstman visited at her daughter’s home, Mrs. Metzger, Wednesday, returning to Moline in the evening.
Mrs. N. N. Cass, a former resident of Buffalo, is visiting friends here and at Jamestown and Andalusia.
The hum of the threshing machine is heard far and near, the following having completed their work: W. Carter, J. Bosen, T. Kauz and L. W. Miller.  The latter threshed 720 bushels of oats and 235 bushels of wheat.
A number of Andalusians and Buffalonians chartered the Clipper and took a trip to Davenport Thursday evening to view the Weyerhaeuse & Denkmann fire.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Neumeister spent Friday in Davenport.
W. Delap took rather an impromptu bath while watering his broncho Sunday evening. The grand Mississippi proved too tempting for Sir Broncho, who suddenly decided to take a plunge bath, upsetting Mr. Delap into the river.  He finally picked himself up and got home all right.
Mrs. Krause is on the sick list.
Miss Flora Moorehead is the happy possessor of a beautiful new bicycle.
Mrs. Minerva (Clark) Bridge, who recently left for Spirit Lake, was injured in a runaway and had her collar bone broken.
Messrs. Potter and Simmons, the ferrymen, were overcome by the heat Tuesday last.
Miss Olga Ochsner returned from a trip to Colorado Thursday.
Another show was in town Wednesday evening, exhibiting in front of the City hotel in the evening.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; August 4, 1901


     Buffalo, Aug 3 - Mrs. Elias Moore, wife of Patrolman Moore of Davenport, is visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Secoy.
     Mrs. Era Dodge has been quite ill since her return from the funeral of her son, Will, but is recovering.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; October 6, 1901

     Buffalo, Oct. 4 - Chas. Haskell who recently moved to our town, died Sunday last at 2 a.m. His wife, formerly Miss Anna Egger, has the sympathy of the entire community. Interment occurred at Reynolds, Ill, on Wednesday last.
     Mr. and Mrs. Mader living west of town are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter Saturday last. Dr. Porstman is in attendance.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; April 4, 1902


The death of Ivan Kellogg James occurred Wednesday at his home in Jamestown, this county. Heart failure was the cause. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon from the residence at Jamestown with interment at Buffalo cemetery.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Monday, September 19, 1904


- Mrs. S.H. Moorhead is ill, but her illness is not of a serious nature.
- Chas. Moore on Wednesday moved his household goods from Buffalo to the coal banks north of here.
- Louis Rauch, who was working in the place of the striking butchers of Chicago, returned Wednesday night to his home in Buffalo.
- John Beaumont and Ed Kane of near Edgington, Ill., arrived in Buffalo Friday to plaster the building remodeled by Max Hoffbauer.
- The marriage of Victoria Springmeier of Buffalo to John Carlin of Jamestown will occur Tuesday.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, November 15, 1904

     Buffalo, Ia., Nov. 15 - Word was received on Saturday that Sister Regina had died at Ottumwa. Sister Regina was a daughter of Mrs. V. Herbert of Buffalo. Messrs. George and Hugo Herbert left Saturday night for Ottumwa to attend the funeral of their sister which was held on Monday.
     An auction sale occurred at Buffalo last Wednesday when Ed Springmeier sold his agricultural belongings.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Monday, November 22, 1904

     Buffalo, Ia., Nov. 22 - Mrs. L. Zeiher [or Zeiber] was a Wednesday morning passenger from Dumont, Minn., where she spent a couple of weeks visiting her son William of that place.
     On Thanksgiving night Nov. 24 a drama will be given at the Buffalo Turner opera house by the Columbia Drama club of Rock Island; the proceeds of which will be given to St. Peter's church of Buffalo.
     Chris Snyder, the iron fence dealer of Davenport, arrived in Buffalo Friday to erect the new iron fence at St. Peter's church.
     Chris Swanson of Linwood was seen upon our streets Saturday evening buying groceries for his father, who is running a boarding house at Linwood.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Wednesday, November 30, 1904     

     Buffalo, Ia., Nov. 30 - Theo Porstmann came to Buffalo on Saturday afternoon with a load of tools belonging to the carpenters who have just completed his house.
     The best attended drama ever produced in Buffalo was given by the Columbia Dramatic club of Rock Island at Buffalo Turner Opera house on Thanksgiving night. Over 400 people attended and all were pleased.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Dec. 2, 1904       

       The forest of the Goering farm, north of Buffalo, Ia., has been on fire all day, and it is thought will be totally destroyed. There was quite a little excitement in Buffalo and the surrounding country today when it was found that the woods was on fire. Efforts are being made to stem the fire.
Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1905


     Buffalo, Ia., Jan. 8 - Captain Schricker left Friday to spend New Years with his family.
    Kall & Bald's button factory is again closed, awaiting repairs.
    The board of trustees met Monday. The meeting was for the purpose of seating the newly-elected trustee, Laf. Myers.
    Lafayette Stenmet is now proprietor of the saloon recently occupied by Jos. Streicher.
    The Davenport Brick and Tile works opened today for its first winter run.
    Mrs. Val Herbert, accompanied by Christina Huber of Buffalo Monday night. After the former had spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Bromfield of Des Moines.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Wednesday, January 18, 1905   

     Buffalo, Jan. 18 - U. Zuercher is on the sick list with a blood poisoned limb. Dr. E.O. Ficke is in attendance.
    Fred B ernick Jr., who has been attending the Ames Agricultural school at Ames, is visiting with his parents here.
    E.E. Moore has opened a confectionery store on Front and Hecker streets.
    LeRoy Kautz spent Sunday with his parents in Buffalo. On Monday he returned to Davenport to continue his studies.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, January 20, 1905

     Buffalo, Ia., Jan. 19 - (Special to the Star.)- John W. Porstman, while working in the coal mine belonging to Buchmeier & Carlin, at Jamestown, was caught under a mass of falling slate. He had a narrow escape.
    Mr. Porstman had several ribs broken and his right foot badly crushed. He is also bruised to a considerable extent. As yet no symptoms of internal injuries have been discovered.

Davenport Morning Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 29, 1905


     Buffalo, Ia., Jan. 23 - Gus Kahl was a passenger to Davenport Thursday to secure repairs for his button establishment.
     Mrs. Val Herbert of Buffalo had a fall in her house Monday and is now in a serious condition as the result of her accident.
     Mrs. Martin Scherer and niece, Miss Richlen, were Thursday evening passengers to Davenport to spend a few days with friends.
     Mr. Butler of Muscatine was a business caller in Buffalo Wednesday interviewing our button cutters.
     Captain J.C. Schricker after looking after his sawmill on the island, was a passenger to Davenport Thursday.
     Dr. Ficke announced Thursday night that Gertrude Westendorf was ill of diphtheria. She was in school Wednesday afternoon.
     On Friday night, W.F. Kautz, president of the board of health, stated that the school house would be fumigated on Saturday. This action was taken after the above case was reported.
     James Waggoner, an old farmer residing near Oak Hill, will retire about the middle of February and then take up his future residence in Buffalo.
     Mr. Schultz, a retired farmer of near Illinois City, has moved to Buffalo during the past week.

Tri-City Evening Star; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1905


     Buffalo, Feb. 6 - Mrs. John White, who for the past few months has been a resident of Buffalo, departed Monday for Galesburg near which place she will make her future home.
    James Halligan, undertaker of Davenport, was in Buffalo Tuesday, having charge of the funeral of Mrs. Val. Herbert.
    Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gimble were callers in Buffalo Tuesday attending the funeral of his old time neighbor, Mrs. Herbert.
    Owing to the increase of business in the city bakery, Adolf Murer has purchased a new wagon to use for his country tours.
    Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove, Illinois farmers, were in Buffalo this week looking after a house. They intend to make their future home here.
    Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Anna Ehlers of Davenport. Mrs. Ehlers was a Buffalo girl.
    A.C. Westendorf, manager of the brick factory here, was a caller in Davenport Thursday. His mission was to purchase supplies for the factory.
    Egger's button factory is closed waiting for repairs to arrive.


Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Thursday, Feb 9, 1905

Jacob Bishop is again confined to the house suffering from a renewed attack of the "grip".
     The Carlin and Buehmeier coal mines commonly known as "Klondike," are about worked out. All the diggers, except the proprietors, pulled their tools on Saturday. As this was the most productive mine in the vicinity hoisting from 1,500 to 2,000 bushels per day, it's failure will greatly reduce the supply of coal. The owners will continue to mine for some time and will work out what remains.
     Rev. Williams met with what might have proved a serious accident on Friday. While en route from Davenport to Buffalo to attend prayer meeting some one driving at a furious gait ran into his buggy tearing off one of the wheels. He was fortunate in receiving no personal injury, but the damage done to his rig was considerable, and he suffered the disappointment of being unable to reach his appointments in time.
     Our physicians are probably the most busy persons to be found in the town at present. It seems that in almost every home one is suffering from the "grip" and some of its complications.
     Mr. and Mrs. James Meyers were calling on friends in Blue Grass on Monday.
     Norma Kautz celebrated her 15th birthday on Monday by entertaining a number of her girlfriends at supper.
     J.W. Porstman, who was so badly injured in a coal mine some time ago, was unable to be out on Sunday.
     Frank Moorhead drove into town Monday evening and took a number of his schoolmates out for a sleigh ride.
     Henry Beh of Stockton was a caller in Buffalo on Monday.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 13, 1905

     The school board made a much needed improvement lately by putting double windows in the north room of the school building. This room had always been hard to heat owing to its exposure but since the above improvement has been made it heats up as easily as the others to the great satisfaction of pupils and parents.
     Frieda Huetter has returned from Rogers, Neb., where she has been visiting for some time with relatives.
     A number of the Buffalo people will attend the dance at Andalusia tonight.
     Mrs. J.A. Brownfield of Des Moines who was called to Buffalo to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Herbert, has returned to her home, accompanied by her brother and sister, Hugo and Edith Herbert.
     George Rauch is attending court at Davenport having been summoned as a juryman.
     At a recent rehearsal, the Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. church decided to give their play, the District Skule of Long Ago, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 21 at the Turner Hall.
     H.B. Moorehead, of Blue Grass, stopped in Buffalo, Friday on his way to the Y.M.C.A. convention at Muscatine.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, April 6, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., March 5- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Frahm was gladdened Tuesday by the arrival of a daughter.
     Mrs. L. Zelker and Mrs. H. Frank were in Davenport Tuesday on a shopping expedition.
     Miss Stella Moorhouse returned home Wednesday after having visited with relatives for the past few days.
     P. Gold was in Davenport Tuesday on business.
     Dr. J. Teufil and Captain W. C. Collins made a business trip to Davenport Wednesday.
     The Egger Button factory on Wednesday shipped blank buttons to L.H. Hirsch of Muscatine.
     Miss Anna Haskell returned home Wednesday after having visited relatives and friends in Davenport and Rock Island.
     Prayer meeting was held at the M.E. church Wednesday evening.

     BUFFALO, Ia., April 5- Wm. and Chester Peacock, of Noris, Ill, arrived here Monday to visit with relatives.
     Lon Rauch of Rock Island spent Sunday at the home of his parents.
     Fred Bernick returned to Ames, Ia., Sunday to resume his studies in the college of that place.
     Ray Appel of Davenport spent Sunday at home.
     Miss Elsie Frank left Sunday evening for Davenport, where she will attend Brown's business college.
     Chas. Moore of Davenport is visiting relatives here.
     Mrs. H. Dorman and Mrs. J. Streicher were Helen Blair passengers to Davenport Monday.
     D. Walch of Atlantic, Ia., returned home Monday after having spent a few days at the home of his sister-in-law Mrs. J. Armstrong.
     Dr. J. Teufil was appointed to succeed himself as physician for the town board of health.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, April 10, 1906   

     BUFFALO, Ia., April 9- Chas Moore and family of Davenport moved to this town Saturday.
     Miss Elsie Frank of Brown's Business college, Davenport, spent Sunday at home.
     Mr. and Mrs. F. Logan of near Blue Grass, on Friday visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rowan.
     Frank Zuecher of Rock Island is visiting at home.
     The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Bowers Thursday afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Dorman.
     Miss Stella Myers returned home Friday after having spent the past two months in Muscatine.
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Granson of Davenport arrived Saturday to make a short stay with the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Bald.
     Mr. Willet of Davenport arrived Saturday to attend the K. of P. lodge and visit friends.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Thursday, April 13, 1906   

     BUFFALO, Ia., April 12- At a meeting held by the school board last week the same teachers were re-elected for next year.
     Mrs. C. Kautz was called to Blue Grass Tuesday evening on account of the illness of her son, one of the leading merchants of that town.
     Ferd Neumeister had the misfortune of slipping on the floor of his son's store, thereby spraining his arm and breaking it above the wrist.
     Mrs. G. Abbott and children are here to spend the summer with Mrs. Abbott's father, M. Murer.
     C. Harsch of Davenport is spending a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. Bernick.
     Mrs. Summers is at present quite ill with pneumonia.
     The Rathbone Sisters will hold their regular meeting Thursday evening at the K.P. hall.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, April 17, 1906   

     BUFFALO, Ia., April 16- Mrs. J. Paarman of Davenport spent Thursday with relatives in town.
     Mrs. Willets, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Willkinson and Mrs. Harbeck of Davenport came down Thursday to visit the Rathbone Sisters lodge and to assist them in the initiation of a candidate.
     Mrs. J. Porstmann and Mrs. C. Vogelbaugh were Friday passengers on the Helen Blair for Davenport.
     Mr. Phaube of Davenport was in town Thursday in the interests of the Lorenzen Crockery company of Davenport.
     Miss Dora Rostenbaugh, who is attending the Davenport high school is at home for a few days.

 Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, April 20, 1906   

     BUFFALO, April 13- Dr. C. L. Barewald of Davenport was a professional caller Monday.
     Ester Peacock of Norris, Ill., is here to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Ed Eggar.
     J. Murer and sister Sabina were in Blue Grass Monday.
     Mrs. G. Zwicker of Rock Island is visiting at the home of her brother Theo. Kautz.
     Miss Margaret Tobin, a trained nurse of Davenport, is attending Carl Kautz.
     Mr. Missel, the Pine Creek miller, was in town Monday.
     Frank Giesler of Muscatine was in town Tuesday purchasing blank buttons from local factories.

 Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Saturday, April 28, 1906   

     BUFFALO, Ia., April 24- Those pupils who received certificates of attendance in the primary and intermediate rooms of the school for the past month are Glenn Rostenbach, Francis Moore, Harry McCulley, Clyde Bowers, Maggie Catterall, Wilma Zuercher, Anna Waspi, Bertha Walters, Edith Secoy, Marie Fidlar, Flora Ochsner, Hazel Moore, Esther Westendorf, Minnie Walters, Mabel Catterall, Ursula Zuercher, Helen Frank, Earl Porstmann, Ephren Fidlar, Paul Catterall, Eugene Westendorf and John Zuecher and Harold Vogelbaugh.
     Miss Gertrude Frank left Sunday for Cedar Rapids where she will make her future home.
     Miss Elsie Bischoff of Muscatine spent Sunday with her parents.
     Mrs. A.K. Claypool is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Moorhead of near Blue Grass.
     Theo. Kautz had the misfortune of falling Sunday and breaking his leg.
     Mrs. Orrick of Dubuque, Ia., arrived Monday to visit her father, Captain Clark.
     John Kautz and Miss Bessie Moorehead spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs. J. Murphy of Little's Grove.
     Raymond Secoy came from Davenport Monday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Vernon Secoy.
     J.A. Prignitz, proprietor of the Turner hall will give a dance Saturday evening, April 28. Music will be furnished by the Davenport Military band.
     Hazel Gadd returned to Davenport Sunday evening after having spent several days with relatives here. She was accompanied by her cousin, Norma Kautz.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tues, May 8, 1906


     Mrs. Rob Winters and daughter, Mildred, of Rock Island, are visiting with relatives here.
     Mrs. W.F. Kautz transacted business in Davenport Friday.
     Roy Eggar of Davenport is visiting at his home.
     Mr. W.C. Collins was a business caller in Davenport Friday.
     Mrs. Chas. Dorman is visiting with relatives and friends in Muscatine.
     Mr. Frank Wallace was a Friday passenger for Davenport.
     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorman and daughter of Rock Island are spending a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Q. Dorman's.
     Mrs. Chas. Frank and children, Karl and Helen, drove to Davenport Friday.
     Mr. Daniel Bald was a caller in Davenport Friday.
     Dr. Barewald of Davenport was a business caller in Davenport Friday.
     Mr. W. Wetherly has purchased a new buggy.
     Raymond Secoy, who is attending the Davenport high school is visiting at home.
     Mr. Charles Fidler and son, Gerald, were Friday passengers to Davenport.
     Mr. and Mrs. H. Springmeier drove to Davenport Saturday.
     Mrs. Ed Strohm of Davenport will spend Sunday at her home.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; May 24, 1906


     Mr. Specht of Davenport spent Sunday with his cousin, Ed Kuhn.
     Mr .and Mrs. Gansen of Davenport spent Sunday at the home of the later's mother, Mrs. J. Bald.
     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eggar and family and Frank Moore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Moore.
     Mrs. H. Westphal, after spending the last three months in Detroit, Mich., returned home Sunday.
     Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bishop and daughter, Ella, visited Sunday with relatives in Andalusia.
     Willie Collins and Miss Stewart of Rock Island spent Sunday evening at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Collins.
     Jake Bishop and daughter, Clara, drove to Davenport Monday.
     W.F. Kautz was a business passenger for Burlington Monday.
     Mrs. M. Deer and son, Earl, of Davenport are visiting at the home of her father, F. Lietcke.
     Albert Zoeble, of Davenport, spent Sunday with his cousin, Walter Zuhl.
     Mrs. T. Porstman and daughter, Edna, were Monday shoppers in Davenport.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, June 19, 1906

A number of relatives and friends were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Streicher Thursday evening, the day being the twenty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of the host and hostess. A very fine dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Streicher were presented with many beautiful presents in memory of the day. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frances Frank and family, Mrs. J. Strohm, Mrs.Ed. Clebertsone of Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bald and family, Mrs. A Frank and son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. H. Springmeir, Mrs. C. Kautz, Mr. C. Appel and daughter Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kautz and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Kautz and family, MR. and Mrs. J. Metzgar and daughter Marguerite, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rauch and son Clarence,  Mr. and Mrs. J. Waspi and daughter Anna, Mr. and Mrs. A Murer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Westendorf and daughters Gertrude and May, Hy Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Neumeister and family.
     Mr. H. Neumeister and son Ferdinand arrived home Thursday after spending a few days in Davenport with friends.
     Mrs. Thorne was a Thursday shopper in Davenport.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Wednesday, June 20, 1906


   Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Moorhead drove to Davenport Saturday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strohm of Davenport spent Sunday here.
    N.K. Slott and Roy Kautz of Davenport called in our town Monday.
    Miss Dora Masman of Davenport spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thoene.
    Mrs. George Egle nad Blanch Wilkinson of near Blue Grass called in our town Monday.
    Mrs. Dillie Vonach of Davenport is visiting with friends here.
    Mr. and  Mrs. M. Kautz and son Roy of Muscatine, spent Sunday in our town with relatives.
    Miss Emma Kolway arrived home Sunday after making a brief visit with relatives and friends in Rock Island.
    W.F. Kautz and Roy Eggar transacted business in Andalusia Monday.
    Mr. and Mrs. Mosier of Jamestown were Monday callers in our town.
    Mrs. J. Porstman returned home Monday after visiting a few days with friends in Rock Island.
    Mr. and Mrs. Zuber and daughter, Hildagard, of Dumont, Minn., and Mrs. Anna Heinen and son, Arthur, of St. Cloud, Minn., are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Zieher.
    Mrs. Miles and Miss Emma Zieher spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Zieher.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Wednesday, June 27, 1906

     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strohm of Davenport spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rauch.
     Mrs. A. Vostenbaugh and Mrs. J. Meier spent Sunday in Davenport.
     Mr. and Mrs. A. Dorman entertained a crowed of friends Saturday evening in honor of A. Dorman's birthday.
     Mr. and Ms. Chas Zicher and Mr. and Mrs. Eagle of near Blue Grass and Miss Emma Zicher of Rock Island, spent Sunday with their parents, Mrs. and Mrs. L. Zeiher.
     Mr. and Mrs. M. Durr and son Earl, of Davenport, are visiting at the home of the former's father, Mr. Liedtke.
     Mrs. L. Winters of Rock Island is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kautz.
     W.F. Kautz and daughter Norma, drove to Davenport Monday.
     Hugo Hubert of Des Moines spent Sunday with relatives.
     Mr. and Mrs. Metzgar of Philadelphia are visiting at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Metzgar.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, August 3, 1906


     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 1-Miss Emma Zieher, who is attending the Normal school in Muscatine, spent Sunday at home.
     Mr. and Mrs. A. Murer spent Sunday in Muscatine with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swartsfeger.
     Miss Norman and Florence Kautz and Hazel Gadd spent Monday at the home of their cousins, Misses Ella and Clara Kautz.
     Mrs. Tillie Kautz of Rock Island spent Sunday with relatives.
     Mrs. J. Porstman and children departed for Fort Scott, Kan., Sunday where they will make their home.
     Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore of Blue Grass spent Tuesday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Metzgar.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, August 7, 1906

Resume of Local Events By Times Correspondents

     BUFFALO, Aug. 4- Mrs. John Bell and family of Jamestown spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Achsner.
     Mrs. Worth Rowan of Muscatine is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowan,.
     Mrs. Theo Kautz, Mrs. Wm. Moorhead, Mrs. Theo. Porstman and Mrs. A. Westendorf spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kautz' daughter, Mrs. John Murphy.
     Mrs. A.H. Dorman and daughter Daisy were Thursday shoppers in Davenport.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, August 10, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 7- Inez Gadd of Davenport is visiting at the home of her cousin, Lewis Kautz.
     A. Dorman who is traveling for the Hammond Packing company, Davenport, spent Sunday at his home.
     Mr. Arnold and Florence Schwartzfeiger of Muscatine spent Saturday and Sunday at the house of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Myer.
     The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gadd of Perry, Ia., was brought here for burial Saturday evening. Services were held at the home of Mrs. J.C. Myers Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment was made at Blue Grass cemetery.
     Mrs. Theo. Porstman and Mrs. Ben Pagal returned home Monday after a brief visit in Moline with relatives.
     Hazel Gadd returned to her home in Davenport Monday after spending the past two weeks at the home of her cousins, the Misses Kautz.
     Mr. and Mrs. George Egle of near Blue Grass and Miss Emma Zieher who is attending normal school in Muscatine spent Sunday at home.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, August 17, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug. 16- Mrs. Henry Frick of Rock Island, Miss Julia Sunday of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Tiche of Newton, Ia., and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Kautz of Walcott spent Tuesday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kautz.
     Messrs. Wm. Bishop, Karl Rauch and George Davis departed for North Dakota Wednesday, where they will spend the remainder of the summer.
     Mrs. W.J. Eggar, Mrs. Harry Eggar and children and Miss Mary Eggar spent Tuesday in Muscatine with relatives.
     Mrs. C. Rowan and Mrs. F. Logan departed for Des Moines Wednesday where they will visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Colony.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, August 28, 1906


     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 24- On Saturday French's Floating Palace will be at Buffalo. Mr. French was here last year, and being so well pleased in the manner in which the people of the town and surrounding country patronized him, decided to make another landing here this season. The show last season was one of the best that visited this town for some time and the people here will no doubt take advantage of the company's return date.
     Mrs. A. Murer and Miss Sabina Murer spent Wednesday evening in Muscatine at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwertfeger.
     John McCulley of Cotter, Ia., has accepted the position as agent at the C., R.I. & P. depot. Mr. Bowers, the present agent, has resigned and will locate at some point in Missouri.
     Miss Ella Kurtz is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. Murphy, of Little's Grove.
     Capt. W.L. Clark will dispose of his livestock by public sale Saturday.
     Mr. and Mrs. L. Winters of Rock Island are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kautz.
     Mr.and Mrs. O. Greene on Thursday returned from Oswego, N.Y., after having taken the remains of the latter's mother for burial to that place.
     Capt. W.C. Collins was a passenger to Davenport Wednesday.
     The K. of P.'s will give an excursion on the Helen Blair Saturday, Sept. 1 Everybody come and have a good time.
     Mrs. J. Teufil returned from Davenport Thursday. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mollie Flemming.
     Mr. and Mrs. J. Myer and children of Davenport are visiting at the home of the latter sister, Mrs. Henry Neumeister.
     The Buffalo Stars will play at the Benadom Maroona Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26, at the home ball park.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Aug 31, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 29- Lulu Mounts of Muscatine is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mounts.
     Mr. and Mrs. Gus Egger of Muscatine are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Egger.
     Miss Iva Theone returned home Tuesday after having spent several weeks with relatives in Montpelier.
     Miss Sabina Murer who has been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks, returned to Chicago Sunday.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Sept 4, 1906

    BUFFALO, Ia., Sept. 1- Lulu Mounts returned to her home in Muscatine Thursday after having spent a week with relatives.
     Miss Clyota Wylie of Muscatine is spending a brief time with her mother. Miss Wylie will teach school at Cranton, Ia., this fall.
     Mr. and Mrs. Blunk of Morlan, Ia., are visiting with the latter's niece, Mrs. J. Prignitz.
     The Misses Selma Voss and Clara Matthes returned to Davenport Thursday after a pleasant visit with the Misses Porstmann.
     Captain W.L. Clark and daughter, Mrs. Emma Harrison, attended the Old Settlers' reunion in Davenport Wednesday.
     Mrs. F. Bowser is visiting her daughter, Mrs H Moorhead of near Blue Grass.
     Miss E. Sunday of Detroit and Marie Frick of Rock Island are visiting relatives.
     The schools will open Tuesday, Sept. 4, with A.K. Claypool, as principal, Miss Emma Zucher as intermediate teacher and Miss Laura Appel as primary teacher. All beginners wishing to attend school must enter the first two weeks in September or the first two weeks in April.
     Fern Bell of Jamestown is visiting her grand parents, Mr.and Mrs. D. Ochsner.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Sept 7, 1906

    BUFFALO, Ia., Sept 6- The Misses Effie Sunday and Marie Frick left for Rock Island Wednesday after having spent a brief time with relatives here.
     Mr. and Mrs. F. Gould of Davenport have moved here.
     Little Claude Neumeister is sick with the typhoid fever.
     Mr. and Mrs. Sidell and family of Davenport arrived Wednesday evening and will take charge of the City hotel.
     J. Murer who has been visiting relatives here for the past four weeks left Tuesday for his home in Griswoll, Ia.. Mr Murer is an old resident of the town and his many friend hope he will be able to visit them again in the near future.
     Mrs. P Egger of Cedar Rapids arrived Tuesday and will spend a week with relatives.
     Mr. and Mrs. C. Summers and family left Tuesday for Wyoming where they will make their future home.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Sept 28, 1906

    BUFFALO, Ia., Sept. 26- Wm. Collins of Rock Island spent Sunday with his parents.
    Mrs. Tillie Metzger is moving her household furniture to Davenport and will make her future home there.
    Rev. Fathers Hanon and McGuire of St. Ambrose college, Davenport, celebrated high mass at St. Peter's church, Sunday morning.
    Mrs. Nellie Hoffbauer of Muscatine spent Sunday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. L Reinbrecht.
    Mr and Mrs. F. Ganson of Davenport spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Bald.
    Hugo Herbert of Des Moines visited relatives and friends here Sunday.
    Miss Dora Rostenbaugh who is attending the Davenport high school spent Saturday and Sunday at home.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Oct 5, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Oct. 5- Mrs. L. Ochsner and daughter Flora were Davenport passengers Wednesday.
     Mrs. J. Gadd and daughter, Inez, of Davenport spent Thursday at the home of C. Appel.
     Mrs. J. Prignitz and daughters Alice and Leona, who have been visiting relatives in Stockton, returned home Wednesday.
    Mrs. Petersen of Davenport is visiting Mrs. Mrs. C. Huber.
    Mrs. Galbraith of Boone, Ia., left Wednesday after a weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Teufil.
     The funeral services of Mrs. P. Willi were held at 9:30 at St. Peter's church, Rev. Father Shannihan officiating.
     A "mission" will be held at St. Peter's church beginning Oct. 28. A Passionist Father from St. Louis will conduct the services. Everybody is invited to attend.
     A large crowd attended the services conducted by Miss B. Bachelor at the M.E. church Wednesday evening.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, October 23, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Oct. 19- Mrs. Peacock, daughter Esther and grand-daughter Vera Egger returned Wednesday from a brief visit with friends in What Cheer.
     Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kohl of near Davenport attended the wedding of the former's brother Wednesday evening.
     Mrs. Orde who has been staying with her granddaughter, Mrs. J. Metzger for the past two months, returned to her home in Jamestown Sunday.
     Mr. Sidwell of Iowa City was here Thursday in the interest of the J.C. Telephone company.
     Chester Peacock, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed. Egger, for the past two weeks, returned to his home at Norris, Ill. Thursday.
    H. Springmier, who has been seriously ill, is recovering.
     Rev. A.H. Grief of Davenport will conduct English services at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, October 30, 1906

     BUFFALO, Oct. 27- The pupils of the primary room of our school who received certificates of attendance, for the past school month, are Walter Suhl, Clifford Rostenbaugh, Floyd Bottomley, John Zuercher, Walter Neumeister, Eugene Westendorf, Elmer Wrage, Minnie Walters, Elsie Schomaker, Hazel Moore, Helen Frank, Ursula Zuercher, Esther Westendorf, Marie Fidlar, Zella Moore.
     Captain H.E. Hoffbauer was in Davenport on business Friday.
     Mr. H. Frick and daughter Maria of Rock Island drove down and called on relatives Friday.
     The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Wm. Ochsner Thursday afternoon.
     Mrs. Nellie Hoffbauer returned to Muscatine Wednesday after a few days' stay with relatives.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Dec. 26, 1906

    Miss Ella Kautz, who is attending the Immaculate Conception Academy, is spending her Christmas vacation at home.
    Mrs. J. Bishop returned to her home on Thursday after spending the past two weeks in Cuba, Ill. with her daughter, Mrs. A. Secoy.
    J. Prignitz, proprietor of the Turner hall, will give a dance New Year's eve. Everybody is cordially invited.
    Mrs. A. Brownfield, Edith and Hugo Herbert of Des Moines came to spend Christmas with their sister, Mrs. J. Waspi.
    Mr. and Mrs. Welsh of Atlanta, Ia., are visiting at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Armintraut.
    Mrs. C. Appel is visiting in Tama, Ia., at the home of her son, W. H. Appel.
    Mr. and Mrs. L. Foht of Davenport spent Christmas at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seydel.
    Mrs. A. Passwater and daughter Alverda are visiting with relatives and friends in Greenwood, Mo.
    Miss Olga Ochsner, who has spent the past few months in Topeka, Kan with her sister, Mrs. G. Sparks, arrived home Monday, her sister and brother, Ed, accompanied her home.
    Miss Ivah Thoene who is attending school in Muscatine came home Saturday to spend her Christmas vacation.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Feb. 1, 1907

    Buffalo, Ia., Jan. 30-Mrs. C. Vogelbaugh and son Harold, who has been visiting in Cuba for the past week, returned hom Tuesday.
    Mrs. Chas. Schweetfeger returned to her home in Muscatine Saturday after having spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Murer.
    E. Miner and sister, Mrs. Steuart visited friends here Saturday.
    L.M. Appel of Holly, Colo., who spent a brief time with his parents, left Friday for Chicago.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1907

    BUFFALO, Feb. 1- The pupils of the primary room of the schools who received certificates of attendance for the past month are Paul Catterall, Gerald Fidlar, Elmer Wrage, Tony Schumaker, Harold Vogelbaugh, John Zeurcher, Oscar Thompson, Clifford Rostenbaugh, Lawrence McCulley, Augusta Streicher, Marie Fidlar, Flora Ochsner, Esther Westendorf, Una Rostenbaugh, Ursula Zuercher, Hazel Moore, Edna Wrage, Elsie Schumacher.
    Miss Stella Myers returned home Thursday after attending the Moore-McKeeney wedding in Long Grove.
     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowan were called to Des Moines Wednesday on account of the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Colony.
    Miss Merle Morris of Montpelier is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. McCulley.
    W.C. Appel of Tama, Ia., who has been in Chicago for several days, arrived Thursday to make a brief visit with his parents before returning home.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Feb. 15, 1907
    BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 12-  Miss Lulu Voellger of Muscatine returned home Monday morning after spending Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Mr. H. Murer.
    Miss Mae Fleming of Davenport is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Teufil.
    A very large crowed attended the masquerade Saturday night.
    Mrs. J. McCulley and son, Lawrence, returned home Sunday after spending a week with relatives in Montpelier.
    Miss Dora Rostenbaugh returned to Davenport to resume her studies at the Davenport high school after spending a short time at home.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, Feb. 22, 1907   

     BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 19- Mrs. J. Bell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ochsner.
    Miss Frances Flemming Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. Teufel.
    The funeral of Mrs. Thomas was largely attended Sunday afternoon, Rev. Behrens of Davenport officiated.
    Mr. and Mrs. Foth of Davenport spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seydel.
    Mrs. M. Hassler returned Friday from an extended visit with her parents in Keezleton, Va.
    The teachers and pupils of our schools extend many thanks to Mrs. E.M. Harrison for her donation of books and magazines to the library.
    Miss Josie Strohmeier arrived Saturday afternoon en route for Andalusia to spend Sunday with her parents.
    Mrs. J. Mohr of Blue Grass spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Metzger.
    Miss Ivale Thoene left for Muscatine Monday morning to resume her studies after spending Saturday and Sunday at home.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorman and daughter Lurene of Rock Island spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. A.H. Dorman.
    Miss Agnes Porstman has returned home after spending a week with relatives in Moline.
    The Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. J. Waspi Thursday afternoon.

Daily Times; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1907

    BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 22- Mrs. V. Rauch is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Strohm, Davenport.
    Miss Adella Streicher left Tuesday for Sunbury where she will visit relatives.
    Katherine Bald, Elsie Schomaker, Hazel Moore, Ursula Zeurcher, Tony Schomaker, Claude Neumeister, Clifford Rostenbauch, Eugene Westendorf, John Zeurcher, and Paul Catterall of the primary room of school have received certificates of attendance for the past month of school.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, March 31, 1910


    Miss Clyota Wylie, after spending a pleasant visit with relatives in Muscatine, has returned to her home in Buffalo.
    F. Bald, who has been busily engaged this past few weeks painting the new residence of Dr. G. Frank of Sunbury, has returned to Buffalo.
    Banner lodge No. 16, K. of P., will hold their regular meeting Saturday night at their hall on Third street.
    G.W. Bailey, Jr., has returned from Letts, Iowa, where he has been spending a few days visiting relatives.
    Alpha circle of King's Daughters held their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the M.E. church. Routine business was transacted and reports read. A social hour was also enjoyed. The next meeting will be held April 19, with Mrs. A.J. Rostenbach.
    Mrs. H. Laschansky of Durant came to Buffalo Wednesday evening and will spend a time here visiting relatives.
    Mrs. M. Hoffbauer entertained the Ladies' Aid society at her home Thursday afternoon. About 24 ladies were present, including several visitors. Routine business was transacted and final plans were made for the free public library which will be installed back of the Crawford drug store. After the sewing was laid aside a time was spent socially. Dainty refreshments were served. Next meeting will be with Mrs. J.F. Hiersemann, when election of officers will be held.
     L.E. Kautz of Davenport spent Thursday here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Kautz.
    Mesdames J.D. Dutcher and H.R. Meyer of Linwood were Thursday callers in Buffalo attending the Ladies' Aid society meeting.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 12, 1922


The marriage of Miss Margaret M. Metzger of Buffalo and William R. Porth of Davenport, son of John Porth of Erie, Pa., was celebrated at the 9 o'clock mass in St. Peter's church, Buffalo, Iowa, Wednesday morning. Miss Luella Metzger of Chicago, a cousin of the bride and Peter Gerhards of Davenport, attended the bridal couple. The wedding breakfast was at Terrace Gardens 24 relatives and friends being served.

Mr. and Mrs. Porth will go to housekeeping in Moline. Mr. Porth is in charge of the repair department of the Moline branch of the Horst & Streiter Co.

The Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa;  August 13, 1922:

Two Pints of Booze Put Mount in Line for Indictment

Two pints of hooch and evidence of a liquor sale resulted in a binding over to the federal grand jury of Jack Mounts, Buffalo, Iowa, saloonkeeper, by U.S. Commissioner A.G. Bush Saturday. Mounts was placed in $500 bond.

Mount's bar was raided by Federal Prohibition Agent R.E. Muhs and Deputy U.S. Marshal Terence Kennedy Friday afternoon. The officers allege that Mount sold a pint of whisky on Aug. 9.

The Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa;  December 12, 1926:

Special to the Democrat
Buffalo, Ia., Dec. 11
Floyd Gold was elected chancellor commander of the Buffalo lodge of Knights of Pythias at the annual meeting last night.  Other officers are:  Harry Dyer, vice chancellor; Claude Neumeister, prelate; Carl Rauch, master of finance; John Waspi, master of exchequer; Walter Pagel, master of arms; Elmer Wrage, master of works; Theo J. Portmann, keeper of records and seals; Fred Thomson, Jr., inner guard; Norman Armentrout, outer guard.  Harold A. Dorman was elected trustee for three years, succeeding William Oschner, retired.
Billie, the son of Byrl Frager was stricken with an attack of appendicitis while at school and was rushed to the hospital where he underwent an operation.
Last night the Pythian Sister Temple and their friends held a prenuptial shower at the K. of P. hall for Miss Marie Clarke, whose marriage to Ted Harp will occur at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Valentine Rauch, the Rev. Mark Getzendaner of St. Mark’s Lutheran church will perform the ceremony.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; May 19, 1927

[Note - Only Buffalo Township and Buffalo Town abstracted from news article]

Delinquent Dog Tax


     Notice is hereby given that the following persons have failed to secure the dog licenses as required by law, said persons having been listed as owners of dogs by the assessors of the respective districts for the year 1927 and that you and each of you may appear before me on or before may 31, 1927, and by affidavit show cause why the license fee, penalty and costs should not be assessed against you. If the license fee is paid before June 1, 1927, cost of publication must be paid in addition to said fee and if paid on or after June 1, 1927, the County Treasurer will be instructed to collect a penalty of $1 plus cost of publication and license fee for each dog:


Anderson, Chas. L, R No. 5, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Anderson, Wm , R. No. 2 Walcott, Ia., (Male)
Cole, A.F., Buffalo, Ia., (Male)
Collins, Thomas, R. No. 1, Montpelier, Ia., (Male and Female)
Harvey, J.W., R No. 6, Davenport, Ia., (2 Males)
Hellstern, Joseph, R. No. 1, Montpelier, Ia., (Male)
Kautz, Theo, Buffalo, Ia., (Male)
Logan, Chas., R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia, (Male)
Mosier, Sullivan, R No 6, Davenport, Ia., (Female)
Nelson, Ethel K, R. No 6, Davenport, Ia., (Female)
Owens, Albert, R. No 6, Davenport, Ia, (Male)
Parkhill, W.W., R. No 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Passwater, A.C., R. No 2, Walcott, Ia (Male)
Richlen, Andy, R. No 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Reidesel, Fred, R. No 1, Montpelier, Ia., (Male)
Ruge, Emil, R. No 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Rump, Emil, R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Russel, Ralph, R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Shaw, Art, R. No 6, Davenport, Ia. (Male)
Shroeder, Herman, R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia. (Male)
Swanson, Nels, R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia. (Male)
Utterback, Ray, R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia., (Male)
Winters, G.W., R. No. 6, Davenport, Ia., (Female)


Kaufmann, George, Buffalo, Iowa, (Female)
Walker, Chas. L, Buffalo, Ia (Male)


Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; January 11, 1928

     At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Buffalo Savings bank yesterday Herbert F. Tyler, vice president of the Dewey Portland Cement Co., in charge of operation of the plant at Linwood, was elected as a director. He succeeds James Metzgar who recently moved his family to Texas.
     S.H. Moorhead, Rudolph Schroeder, E.J. Carroll, Charles Wenks, William Strohmeier, C.C. Wrage, A.C. Westendorf and R.M. Kautz were reelected directors. The following officers were also elected:
     President - Rudolph Schroeder.
     Vice president - R.M. Kautz
    Cashier - Carleton H. Mills.