1900 E Directory

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 12, 1900

Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names Appear
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then.


Eads, Albert R, membership sec YMCA r 225 e 10th
Eads, Miss Genevieve E r 225 e 10th
Eads, Miss Eulalie r 225 e 10th
Eagal, Miss Anna K, music tchr r 315 Kirkwood boul
Eagal, John H, sec M J Eagal Co 225 Brady r 630 e 14th
Eagal, Joseph P, wife Katherine wks Arsenal r 315 Kirkwood boul
Eagal, Melzar J ,wife Mary E sec Dave Bus Men's assn 48 Masonic Temple, r 630 e 14th
Eagal, M J Co L E Lingafelt pres J H Eagal sec grocers 235 Brady
Eagan, John J, fireman C R I & P r 2321 Farnam
Eagle Lumber Co E B Hayward pres H S Hepburn sec 17 Masonic Temple
Eagle Malt House, Dave Matling Co proprs 1235 w 2d
Earhart (See Also Ehrhardt)
Earhart, Charles D, wks Metal Wheel Co r 518 e 7th
Earhart, Mary, wid John r 518 e 7th
Earl, Benjamin r 2?6 e 11th
Earl, Benj C r Fejervary Home
Earl, Miss Mae rms 517 Brady
Earle, Hannah B, wid G B r 207 Brady
Earle, Philip J (H C Lusk mngr) broker 111 2d r Dubuque Io
Early, John H, wife Elizabeth r 820 Main
East Davenport Machine & Novelty Works H E Kuhner propr 202-204 Mound
East Davenport Roller Mills P Meinert propr 2302 eddy
Eastland Emil E, printer Egbert F & C r 225 w 14th
Ebeling, Miss Anna r 1628 w 6th
Ebeling, Arthur, r 1623 w 6th
Ebeling, Henry wife Bertha carp r 1623 w 6th
Ebeling, Paul, wks Canning Co r 1623 w 6th
Ebendorf, Herman wife Christina M r 1556 Leonard
Ebendorf, Wm R 1556 Leonard
Eberle, Charles  r 725 Kirkwood boul
Eberle, Joseph A, wife Cora E cigmkr r 1507 Ripley
Eberle, Wendolin W, wife Minnie foreman J Goos Co r 936 w 14th
Eberly, David H, wife Lulu A, r 1521 Bridge av
Ebert, Miss Lena r 519 Summit
Ebert, Miss Maud, wks St. James Hotel
Ebi, Monroe wife Frances M (Ebi & Neuman) 114 Gaines r 1711 Rock Island
Ebi & Neuman (Monroe Ebi G F Neuman) machine shop 114 Gaines
Eby, John r 423 Brady
Eckels,Christopher J, wife Margaret eng r 1519 Rockingham rd
Eckermann, Adolph clk L Hanssen's Sons r 1933 Iowa
Eckermann, Gustaf, wife Elise, r 1933 Iowa
Eckermann, Miss Hannah L, clk N Liepold & Co r 2126 Brady
Eckermann, Miss Theresa C, r 2126 Brady
Eckert, Loren F, wife Lura, bakery 1507 Harrison r same
Eckhardt (See also Ekardt)
Eckhardt, Miss Augusta wks Dave Pearl B Co r 1904 Rockingham rd
Eckhardt Bros (Herman and Christ) grocers 306 Harrison
Eckhardt, Miss Catherine r 1604 Rockingham rd
Eckhardt, Christ wife Margaret (Eckhardt Bros) 306 Harrison r 308 Harrison
Eckhardt, Christina, wid Charles r 1041 w 2d
Eckhardt, Miss Ella r 305 Harrison
Eckhardt, George wife Dora wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1041 w 2d
Eckhardt, Henry J, r 1604 Rockingham rd
Eckhardt, Herman wife Wilhelmina (Eckhardt Bros) 306 Harrison, r 630 Main
Eckhardt, Jacob A, wife Louise r 1604 Rockingham rd
Eckhardt, Julius, wife Helena, meat mkt 305 Harrison r same
Eckhardt, Miss Kate, dom 728 Farnam
Eckhardt, Louis, wife Louise H, barber 132 e 3d r 626 e 3d
Eckhardt, Miss Minnie clk Petersen's Sons r 305 Harrison
Eckhardt, Otto, wife Sophie bkpr Farmers & Mechanics Sav Bank r 510 w 3d
Eckhardt, Miss Selma r 305 Harrison
Ecklund, John, watchmkr r 211 e 2d
Eckmann, Charles E, wife Amanda woodwkr Dav Show Case Wks r 805 e 6th
Eckmann, Miss Clara C, tchr Sch No 7, r 1140 w 14th
Eckmann, Claus, wife Catherine, r 1140 w 14th
Eckmann, Emil M, painter Mason Crrge Wks r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, George H, wife Louise grocer, 901 w 3d r same
Eckmann, Gustav T, carp j C Westphal r 801 w 4th
Eckmann, Henry C, clk C Schuldt, r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, Hugo P, salesman W S Holbrook r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, Miss Hulda C clk R G Dun & Co r 801 w 4th
Eckmann, John, wife Christena M, (J Eckmann & Son) 801 w 4th r same
Eckmann John T, r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, J & Son (John & O H Eckmann), grocers, 801 w 4th
Eckmann, Miss Marguerito F, asst bkpr Boston Store, r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, Marx, wife Agnes, carp r 1628 Scott
Eckmann, Otto H (J Eckmann & Son) 801 w 4th r same
Eckmann, Timm, wife Wiebke M, r 1008 w 3d
Eckmann's Hall, J Eckmann propr rear 803 w 4th
Eckstein, John A, wife Sophia, gardener, r Gaines nr citylimits
Economy Rug Co (A H & W M Fowler) 328 w 3d works 702 Harrison
Economy Tea & Coffee Co R W Roberts, mngr 1124 w 2d
Eddy, Jeremiah, wife Louise M, stair bldr r 1624 Le Claire
Ede, Hakan, wife Annie, shoemkr Orphans' Home, r Moline, Ill.
Eden, John, clk Hotel Downs r same
Eden, John W, painter rms 310 Western av
Edens, Miss Dora, r 1530 w 3d
Edens, John, wife Dora H, friver Hinrichs Crockery Co r 1530 w 3d
Edens, John F, wife Emma M, mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co r 932 Warren
Edens, Otto, wife Bertha carp r 705 w 3d
Edens, Wm trav agt Hinrichs Crockery Co r 1530 w 3d
Edens, Rudolph driver Hinrichs Crockery Co r 1530 w 3d
Edens, Wm M, wife Amelia C, lab r 1931 Sycamore
Edgar, Rev Robert wife Jennie B, r 1329 4th av
Edgleigh, Frank wife Lulu L, wks Gas Co r 49 Putnam bldg
Edinger, Miss Bertha C tchr Sch No 6 r 929 w 9th
Edinger, Fred P, clk Boston Store, r 929 w 9th
Edinger, Miss Mattie A, r 929 w 9th
Edinger, Otto, wife Agatha r 929 w 9th
Edwards Cong Church Rev G S Rollins pastor Perry nw cor 10th
Edwards, Wm wife Augusta eng r 816 Swits
Edwards, Wm pres Tri-City Construction Co 35 Masonic Temple r Rock Island, Ill.
Egan, Miss Josephine, r 1629 Rock Island
Egan, Michael, wife Bridget, flagman C R I & P r 2321 Farnam
Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers (Henry Egbert, W F Fidlar, Walter Chambers) printers, 118 e 4th
Egbert, Henry wife Elizabeth (Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers) 118 e 4th and pres
Dav Nat and Union Savings Banks r e city limits
Eggers, Miss Alvina r 614 e Front
Eggers, Miss Anna J, wks Woolen Mills Co r 1041 w 3d
Eggers, Miss Bertha tchr r 612 w 8th
Eggers, Miss Carrie, wks P N Jacobsen jr r 1418 South
Eggers, Miss Cecelia wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1418 South
Eggers, Conrad wife Margaret mason r 1121 Mamilton
Eggers, Eliza, wid C F r 612 w 8th
Eggers, Miss Emma dom 620 w 3d
Eggers, Fred, hostler Christian Mueller & Sons r 614 w Front
Eggers, Geo wife Lena helper C R I & P r 1018 Ash
Eggers, Hans P, wife Dora wks Seifert & Wiese L Co r 327 Fillmore
Eggers, Henry wife Mary bailiff District Court r Lincoln av nr Rockingham rd
Eggers, Henry wife Caroline cooper, r 1418 South
Eggers, Herman, wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 614 w Front
Eggers, H Wm wife Emma wks Arsenal r 1711 w 8th
Eggers, John wife Amelia lab r 320 Warren
Eggers, Miss Kate r 320 Warren
Eggers, Miss Nettie cigmkr P N Jacobsen jr r 1418 South
Eggers, Peter, painter r 320 Warren
Eggers, Theo T, horseshoer P Severin r 1041 w 2d
Eggers, Wm D, wife Ella r 1115 w 2d
Eggers, Wm O, harnessmkr F Kaufmann, r 327 Fillmore
Ehler, Miss Helen dom 704 w 6th

Ehlers, Adolph, wife Anna K, ( A & W Ehlers) 1850 w 3d r same
Ehlers, Alex, wife Emma wks Bett Axle Co r 727 w 3d
Ehlers, August H, wife Christina (Ehlers & Hasch) 328 Harrison r 1823 w 2d
Ehlers, A & W (Adolph and Wm) grocers, 1850 w 3d
Ehlers, Carl, bucher N Albercht r 1329 Washington
Ehlers, Carsten, wife Wiebke, awnings, 716 Harrison r same
Ehlers, Carsten, bds 212 Scott
Ehlers, Catherine M, wid Wm r 728 w 3d
Ehlers, Charles F,wife Adele, wks Weyerhaeuser,  r 321 Brown
Ehlers, Claus lab bds 421 w 2d
Ehlers, Miss Dora r 1823 w 3d
Ehlers, Miss Dora, r 1413 w 4th
Ehlers, Edward, painter, r 1329 Washington
Ehlers, Miss Emma r 517 Harrison
Ehlers, K...Christian Mueller & Sons rms 629 w 3d
Ehlers, Fred, ....O. Felbig, rms 324 w 2d
Ehlers, Fred wks Lee B & D co r 723 w 3d
Ehlers, Miss Freda, dom 603 w 2d
Ehlers, Hans, lab r Rockingham rd nr .....
Ehlers, Henry J, r 1413 w 4th
Ehlers, Jacob r 415 Warren
Ehlers, John H, sexton r 1413 w 4th
Ehlers, Lena wid M C r 113 Warren
Ehlers, Miss Louise r 1329 Washington
Ehlers, Mark C elev opr Schmidt bldg r 111 Warren
Ehlers, Paul lab r Rockingham rd nr Indian rd
Ehlers, Wm, wife Clara ( A & W Ehlers)1850 w 3d r 2027 w 5th
Ehlers, Wm F, wife Augusta, contr 1329 Washington r same
Ehlers, Wm M, bartndr R Frahm r 1329 Washington
Ehlers, & Hasch August H Ehlers Peter Hasch) flour 328 Harrison
Ehlert Bros (J C & C J) grocers, 716 w 3d
Ehlert, Chris J (Ehlert Bros) 716 w 3d r 1508 Gaines
Ehlert, Miss Christine H, clk Boston Store r 435 w 9th
Ehlert, Fred F, r 615 w 9th
Ehlert, Hans J, r 435 w 9th
Ehlert, Henry, wks Dav Elev Co r rear 615 w 9th
Ehlert, John C, wife Louni. (Ehlert Bros) 716 w 3d r 921 w 4th
Ehlert, Julius, clk Boston Store, r 435 w 9th
Ehlert, Miss Lucy clk r 435 w 9th
Ehlert, Miss Marie r 435 w 9th
Ehlmann, Herman D, r 1803 Washington
Ehmke, Peter H, wife Minnie contr 720 w 2d r 909 w 2d
Ehmsen, Andrew, driver, Dav Meat Co r 1003 Western av
Ehmsen, Miss Mary r 1903 Western av
Ehmsen, Nelson clk r 1603 Western av
Ehrhardt (See also Earhart)
Ehrhardt, Agnes wid G A r 1047 w 2d
Ehrhardt, Miss Clara M, wkd H J Boettger, r 1047 w 2d
Ehrhardt, George steamftr r 1047 w 2d
Ehrig, Miss Adelaide, tchr r 2123 w 4th
Ehrig, Miss Emma r 2123 w 4th
Ehrig, Ernst, carrier P O r 2123 w 4th
Ehrig, Miss Minnie, tchr Sch No 10 r 2123 w 4th
Eichhorn, Ferdinand, wife Mary butcher Tri-City P & P Co r 1438 w 4th
Eichhorn, Frank wife Mary butcher r 1117 Hamilton
Eichner, Henry wife Dorothy driver J J Lerch r 1401 Rockingham rd
Eichner, Miss Mamie, r 1356 w 2d
Eichner, Margaret, wid John r 1356 w 2d
Eickhoff, Henry wife Hattie cattle dir r 224 Howell
Eignus, Miss Mary A r 624 e 10th
Eignus, Samuel P, painter r 624 e 10th
Einfeldt, Emil, wife Bertha A supt Metal Wheel Co r 2021 Summit av
Einfeldt, Ernst H, wife Katherine E livery 326 e Locust r 1101 Kent
Einfeldt, Geo, mach Metal Wheel Co bds 620 n Depot
Einfeldt, Henry wife Ella L, lab r w Locust nr limits
Einfeldt, J Henry, asst eng Metal Wheel Co bds 731 e 6th
Einfeldt, Miss Kate E, r 731 e 6th
Einshausen, Miss Frieda, dom 708 e Locust
Eislage, Wm mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co bds 1356 w 2d
Ekardt, (See also Eckhardt)
Ekardt, Hans H, wife Caroline, ice 1129 w 4th r same
Ekardt, Miss Mamie bkpr to Mantle Mnfg Co r 1129 w 4th
Eklund, Edward G, upholstr r 1037 e 15th
Eklund, Felix, wife Hattie mach Bett Axle Co r 927 LeClaire
Eklund, Gustav, watchmkr E Pape rms 304 w 3d
Eklund, Miss Hulda H, wks St. Katharines....
Ekstrand, Adam, wife Matilda, carp C R I & P r ...
Eland, Louis C, wife Clara r 517 Marquette
Eland, Wm, wife Henrietta, r 1726 w 8th
Elbert, John A, r 1454 w 6th
Elbert, Robert S, trav agt r 1454 w 9th
Eldorado Sample Room & Billiard Parlors, L E. Mallette Propr 136 e 3d
Eldridge, Miss Anne M, tchr Sch No 1 r 611 e 15th
Eldridge, Miss Annie B, dressmkr r 2020 Farnam
Eldridge Block 509 Brady
Eldridge, Bowman H, wife Margaret turnkey county jail, r 124 w 5th
Eldridge, Bowman J, switchman, G M & St P r 424 w 5th
Eldridge, Miss Cora M, music tchr r 1340 3d av
Eldridge, C Harold r 611 e 15th
Eldridge, Miss D Rae, tchr r 611 e 15th
Eldridge, D C wks Arsenal rms 111 e 3d
Eldridge, Ed, printer bds 313 w 2d
Eldridge, Frank W wife Luella, carrier P O r 1225 Perry
Eldridge, Harry W wife Nannie foreman D B Horne, r 120 w 6th
Eldridge, Jacob M, wife Agnes ins agt 503 Brady r 1530 Farnam
Eldridge, Joseph, wife Nellie F, livery 228 e 3d r 130 w 6th
Eldridge, Lee E, clk T F Eldridge r 1340 3d av
Eldridge, Miss Mabel clk Petersen's Sons r 1235 Perry
Eldridge, Miss Mae E, printer Hunt Bros r 2010 Farnam
Eldridge, Miss Maud, r 1225 Perry
Eldridge, Micajah L real est 334 e 3d rms 315 e 6th
Eldridge, M Josephine wid Charles H, r 611 e 15th
Eldridge, Roy E, clk T F Eldridge, r 1340 3d av
Eldridge, Theo F, wife Fannie E, real est 208 Brady r 1340 3d av
Eldridge, Willard B, foreman J Eldridge r 120 w 6th
Electric Steam Laundry, Buck & Co proprs 213 e 3d
Elkins, Ernest, waiter T Oelkers rms 233 e 2d
Ellermann, Detlef, wks Boepple Button Co r 1635 w 2d
Ellermann, Jacob wife Matilda wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1635 w 2d
Ellermann, John M, wife Ann r 609 Christie
Ellington, henry wife Catherine lab r 1820 w 5th
Ellis, Mrs. Caroline, r C C Cook's Home
Ellman, George, wife Anna, motorman Tri-City Ry co r 512 w 17th
Ellman, Miss Sarah B, r 512 w 17th
Ells, Miss Elsie D r 206 e 12th
Ells, Miss Louise C r 206 e 12th
Ells, Mary D, wid G W r 206 e 12th
Elmer, Albert W ,wife Kate H, physicain 57 Whitaker bldg r 730 e Locust
Elsy, Wm G, painter Mason Crrge Wks rms 418 e 13th
Ely, Harry M wife Kate bkbndr Mossinan & Vollmer Co r 1306 Brown
Ely, Miss Lena A, tchr Sch No 2 r 1230 Arlington av
Ely, Le Roy wife Mary E, r 1230 Arlington av
Ely, Miss Marian H, r 1230 Arlington av
Ely, Nathan D, wife Emma L (Ely & Bush) 221 1/2 Brady r 731 e 15th
Ely, Samuel L, cashier Union Savings Bank, Brady se cor 3d r 617 Kirkwood boul
Ely & Bush (N D Ely A G Bush) lawyers 221 1/2 Brady
Emanuelson, henry ,wife Josephine clk Boston Store, r 1612 Arlington av
Emeis, Arno F, r 132 w 13th
Emeis, Charles wife Emma r 1628 Main
Emeis, Emil T W clk Dav. Steam heating Co r 606 Brady
Emeis, Harold E r 918 Harrison
Emeis Hugo A,wife Lina (John Harding & Co) 228 Brady and druggist...
Emeis, H...133 w 13th
Emeis, Julius C wife Emeline....918 Harrison
Emeis, Walter,...r 918 Harrison
Emendorfer, John G, wife Sophie M clk H?urless Crockery Co r ??? Belle av
Emerson, Miss Carrie, r ???
Emerson Co...w 2d
Emerson, Edward, wife Mary, pres The Emerson Co ...
Emerson, Mrs. Laura r 238 W Front
Emerson, Mrs Mary A, sec The Emerson Co 115 w 2d r same
Emerson, Wm, wife Alice H, eng C M & St P r ??8 e 7th
Emerson & F????? Co J McIntyre state agt, 50? w 4th
Emery, Miss Irene, stenog C R I & P r Moline, Ill.
Emery, Silas E wife Laura E lab r Peasant nr Belle av
Empfield, Clyde wks Interior Decorating Co r 423 w 2d
Empfield, Thomas S. J., wife Mary C, (Interior Decorating Co) 508 Harrison r 423 w 2d
Enderton, J Jay, stenog Bett Metal Wheel Co r 813 e 15th
Engel, (See also Engle)
Engel, Edlof S, lab r 322 Warren
Engel, Emil, wife Emma printer Der Demokrat, r 1006 w 3d
Engel, Miss Martha, r 1649 w 8th
Engel, Nels H, lab r 322 Warren
Engel, Wm M bartndr St james Hotel Bar r same
Engelbach, Diedrich r Telegraph rd nr Pine
Engelbach, Henry wife Wilhelmina woodwkr r 2113 w 2d
Engelbrecht, Joachim, wife Elizabeth saloon, 714 Harrison r same
Engelbrecht, Julius r 734 Harrison
England, Miss Anna C (A C England & Co) 318 w 2d r same
England A C & Co (A C England A S Kuhpfahl) wholesale and retail millinery 318 w 2d
England, Christine, wid John r 318 w 2d
England, Miss Meta, milliner, A C England & Co r 318 w 2d
England, Miss Olga, cash A C England & Co r 318 w 2d
Engle (See also Engel)
Engle, John, bds 416 Western av
Engle, Miss Theresa r 73? Case
Englehart, Charles A barber 207 Main bds 42 1/2 w 8th
Englehart, Richard R wife Catherine trav agt Sieg from Co r 529 Western av
Engstrom, Charles clk rms 412 Alma av
Enoch, Dovener, wife Catherine M janitor Orphans' Home, r Elm nr Orphans' Home
Enright, Miss Anna T, r 829 w 14th
Enright, Ellen, wid George r 829 w 14th
Enright, Miss Helena M, tchr Sch No 8 r 829 w 14th
Enright, Rev. Lawrence J, pastor Holy Family Ch and chaplain Mercy hospital r Mercy hospital
Enright, Miss Lillian M, clk the Fair  r 829 w 14th
Enzeroth, Miss Clara, r 826 w 6th
Enzeroth, Rev George wife Amanda pastor German Meth Ch r 826 w 6th
Enzeroth, Miss Lydia r 826 w 6th
Enzeroth, Miss Rosalie r 826 w 6th
Epping, Andrew B, wife Anna wks Metal Wheel Co r 1721 Maiden Lane
Epping, Wm wife Lizzie carp C R I & P r Pine nr w Locust
Equitable Life Assurance Society of U S J F Wrigth gen agt rms N Ryan blk
Equitable Life Ins Co of Iowa W A Bemis gen agt I Whitaker bldg
Erb, Charles F wife Mary mason r 1040 w 2d
Erbes, Rose, wid Wm dressmkr r 103 Main
Erdmann, Miss Caroline D, dom 732 Brady
Erdmann, Christina F, wid John C r 1311 Gaines
Erdmann, Miss Edith M r 1311 Gaines
Erdmann Ernst F , pressman Bett Axle Co r 1623 w 14th
Erdmann, Henry, helper Bett Axle Co r 1623 w 4th
Erdmann, Rudolph C wks H Kohrs Co r 1311 Gaines
Ericks, Asmus J, wife Mary, contr r 1049 w 3d
Erickssen, Hans, wife Catherine stone ctr r Fishertown
Erickson, Miss Fredericka, wks St. Katharine's hall r same
Erickson, Jacob wks H J Frank r 1844 Bowditch
Erickson, Oscar W wks Glass Co r 314 Gaines
Erie Dispatch O C Tennis agt 228 Main
Ernst, Miss Anna M, wks P N Jacobson jr r 1830 Spruce
Ernst, John, wife Mary J, cigmkr r 1830 Spruce
Ernst, Joseph F lab r 1830 Spruce
Eroux, Miss Cologne, r 510 Harrison
Esburg, John, tmstr, r 1114 w 2d
Esburg, Miss Mary, nurse, r 1603 Taney
Essenwaen, Fred, wife Bertha, tailor, r 2034 w 5th
Essler, Charles R, wife Anna, driver r 1322 Mitchell
Essler, Edward F, wife Minnie E, motorman, Tri-City Ry Co r 1031 w 6th
Essler, Ernest, wife Leona, r 1103 w 6th
Essler, Miss Lena, asst J B Morgan, r Moline, Ill.
Estess, Miss Ida, wk R Krause Co r 820 w 4th
Estess, Joseph, wife Hannah, salesman J B Phillips, r 820 w 4th
Etzell, George A, adv agt The Republican rms 115 e 3d
Eureka Past Machine Co C G Hipwell pres H C Kohl sec 54 McManus bldg
Eustis, Miss Adrien L, bkpr J White Art Co r 104 Mississippi av
Eustis, Wm G wife Malle B r 104 Mississippi av
Eustis, Wm R, r 104 Mississippi av
Evalt, Miss Matilda dom 811 Perry
Evans, Miss Agnes r 514 Spring
Evans, Miss A Hattie, tchr r 637 Kirkwood boul
Evans, Charles lab bds 212 Scott
Evans, Edward H, wife Alice broommkr Lee B & D Co r 726 w 3d
Evans, Frank J, lab r 1024 Harrison
Evans, Henry C, wife Joanna salesman Reimers & f Co r 637 Kirkwood boul
Evans, James H, wife H Anna, tmstr r 1024 Harrison
Evans, Jesse, wife Ida, r 114 Iowa
Evans, John r 637 Kirkwood boul
Evans, Mrs. Lottie L, r 521 Bridge av
Evans, Oliver M,wife Jennie r 514 Spring
Evans, Thomas J, wife Mary E lawyer 11 Franklin bldg r 1821 Summit av
Evans, Wm T, r 1024 Harrison
Evermann, Carl J, wife Alvina mach Arsenal r 412 Alma av
Evers, Miss Addie M, r 314 e 15th
Evers, Adolph, clk G Schlegel & Son, r 118 w 16th
Evers, Amalie, wid J F r 118 w 16th
Evers, Daniel F, clk G W Kerker r 118 w 16th
Evers, Fred H, wife Slphia r 314 e 15th
Evers, Miss Helen dom 720 Gaines
Evers, Henrietta, wid Henry r 915 w 4th
Evers, Henry wks F Reimer bds 521 w 2d
Evers, Louis W, wife Lillian, fireman Glass Co r rear 420 w 5th
Evers, Margaret wid Fred r 1906 w 5th
Evers, Wilhelmina, wid Henry r 1933 Iowa
Evers, Wm L, wife Elizabeth barber ?? Brady r 426 Kirkwood boul
Evitt, John r 517 e 15th
Evitts, Miss Emma M, r J. 602 Brady
Evitts, Mary P, wid R B r J. 602 Brady
Evitts, Miss Nellie F, r J. 602 Brady
Evitts, Miss Nina A, r J. 602 Brady
Evitts, Wilson B r J. 602 Brady
Ewald, Jacob P., wife Freda, solcr G U Tea Co r 1335 w 8th
Ewald, Miss Momme P, wks Boepple B Co r 1335 w 8th
Ewaldt, Arthur r Dubuque rd nr Cemetery rd
Ewell, Wardlaw, wife Ella P, physician 111 e 3d r same
Ewert, Charles wife Emma sand, 215 Western av r 1128 w 2d
Ewert, Ferd, wife Dora, gardener r Rockingham rd nr sw limits
Ewert, Herman E, wife Ella, transfer 325 Harrison r 1125 w 3d
Ewert, Miss Laura, r Rockingham rd nr sw limits
Ewing, Albert B, lineman, bds Atlantic Hotel
Ewing, Miss Margaret, cash Federal Life Assn r 30 Whitaker bldg
Ewing, Wm A, fireman Gas Co bds 506 Brady
Ewoldt, Carl H A wife Bertha wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 816 w 7th
Ewoldt, Charles W, lab r 816 w 7th
Ewoldt, Frank bkpr Christian Mueller & Sons, r 2234 w 2d
Ewoldt, Miss Gusta, dom 1208 Main
Ewoldt, Gustave A, painter r 816 w 7th
Ewoldt, Hugo fisherman r ft Taylor
Ewoldt, Julius, boxmkr Roddewig & S r 230 Green
Ewoldt, Oswald H, r 816 w 7th
Ewoldt, Miss Tillie r 816 w 7th
Excelsior Mnfg Co H F Brammer propr 1601 Rockingham rd
Eyer, Miss Antonia r 518 Warren
Eyer, Peter, wife Hannah, plumber 826 w 2d r 518 Warren.