The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Jan 4, 1849
On the 28th ult., by Rev. J.B. Taylor, Mr. Henry Gabbert to Miss Eliza Jane
McGarvey, both of Buffalo towship, Scott county, Iowa.

On the 22d ult., by Elder James Brownlee, Mr. John Robertson to Miss Mary
Ann Neil, all of Long Grove, Scott county, Iowa.

On the 28th inst., by Rev. Z.H. Goldsmith, Mr. John Piersall to Miss Julia E

Jan 11, 1849
Ho! For California
The Dubuque Tribune says that Messrs. S.M. Hammonds (firm of Hammonds &
Markle) Wm. H. Merritt (late editor of Express) E. Mobley and ___Mc Coy,
left that city for California via new Orleans and the Isthmus, on the Monday
evening of last week. Also, that a second party intended starting on Monday
of this week.

Jan 18, 1849
Near Davenport, on 28th Dec., John G. McCullough, late of Holmes county,

Jan 25, 1849
In this place on Sabbath 21st inst., Mrs. Susan Rea, wife of Rev. Geo. S.
Rea, aged 26 years.

On Wednesday, 10th inst., of Consumption, Mr. George Moore, aged 41 years.

Killed on Thursday morning last, by the explosion of a boiler attached to
the steam mill of Messrs. Burrows & Prettyman, Mr. William Fudge, aged 41
years. An old and respectable resident of this place.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Feb 8, 1849
In this place, on Sunday evening the 4th inst., by John Ruser, Esq. Mr.
Sidney Meadows to Miss Lydia Ann Harriford, both of Illinois.

Feb 15, 1849
In Cincinnati, on the 24th ult., by Rev. Dr. Stockton, D.W.C. Sanford, Esq,
formerly of this place to Miss Lizzie, daughter of the late Dr. Slayback, of
that city.

At Lowell, Henry County, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. Gallatin, Mr. J.F.
Tallant, to Miss Dalilah Gibson, both of Burlington, Iowa.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Mar 1, 1849
In Davenport, on the 22d February, by the Rev. Z.H. Goldsmith, Mr. Mount
Clous to Ante Artes.

In this place on the 22d ult., by John Rouzer, Esq. Mr. Orlander M.
Bauswell, to Miss Harriet Thompson, both of Rock Island, Ill.

Mar 8, 1849
In this place, on Sunday, the 4th of March, by John Rouzer, Esq, Mr. Henry
C.A. Klein to Mrs. Becka Maska, all of Davenport.

At Le Claire, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Rutledge, Mr. John Willis,
of Rockingham, Scott co. Iowa to Miss Mary Ann Rutledge, late of London,


In March the Mississippi is usually re-opened to river traffic after being frozen over all winter. The following set of advertisements illustrates how long this river has been of vital importance to our area and, indeed, our country. Today, eighty to one hundred million tons of commodities are shipped via the river annually. Barges, which can transport huge loads, carry up to fifteen hundred tons apiece. The third largest river in the world, the Mississippi is considered the tree trunk of U. S. waterways. In the mid to late 1800's people utilized the river extensively to travel north and south. It was a much more comfortable and quick means of transportation than over miles of bumpy, rutted roads in wagons or coaches, under a beating sun or pouring rain. ~~Elaine R.

The Gazette
March 13, 1849

Regular Packets

Galena, St. Croix and St. Peters Packet Line.

Dr. Franklin
Capt. M. W. Lodwick

U. S. Senator
Captain Orrin Smith.

The above well known boats will run in connection during the ensuing season, between Galena S. Croix and St. Peters, stopping at all intermediate ports. They have both been thoroughly repaired and painted, and are admirably adapted to the trade. Freight shipped from below to the agents at Galena, will be reshipped to any port above on either of the above on either of the above boats, free of expense for drayage, storing or forwarding, and without delay.

The Senator will make regular weekly trips leaving Galena every Monday at 12 o'clock M., and return on Saturday; affording persons an opportunity to visit the Falls of St. Anthony, without being out on Sunday.

The well known reputation of their commanders will be a sufficient guarantee to shippers that anything entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to, and that no effort on their part will be wanting to render their boats pleasant and comfortable to passengers.

Regular Packet
From St. Louis to Davenport

The fine and fast passenger steamer, ARCHER, Capt. Thomas H. Brierly, Master, has commenced her regular trips as a packet between the above named ports. Leaving St. Louis every Wednesday she will arrive at Davenport every Saturday, and leaving Davenport on Saturdays will reach St. Louis on Wednesdays. Freight will be taken at the lowest rates, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers.

Regular Packet
For Burlington, Bloomington, Rock Island, Davenport, Galena and Dubuque, and all intermediate landings.

The well known, light boat BON-ACCORD, H. Bensie, Master, will run during the season as a regular packet between St. Louis, Galena and Dubuque. Every exertion will be made to insure attention and comfort to passengers, and those entrusting business to this boat can rely upon it being promptly transacted. For freight or passage apply on board.

Wharf Boat FORTUNE,
At Davenport.

The undersigned having purchased the above named boat and put her in thorough repair, is now prepared to attend to all business which may be entrusted to him faithfully and with dispatch. Having ample Storage Room and a perfectly sound boat, shippers can rely upon all freight being kept in order. He will pay particular attention and comfort to passengers, and those entrusting business to this boat can rely upon it being promptly transacted. For freight or passage apply on board.

Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Potatoes, &c, for which I will pay the highest prices.
Enquire on Board Wharf boat.
May 24th, 1849

Just Received and for Sale low, a lot of Kanawa Salt
Enquire on Board Wharf Boat.

Mar 15, 1849
In this place, on Tuesday afternoon last, by Rev. Jas. Hildreth, Rev. George
S. Rea, of Davenport to Miss Sarah Ann Kistler of Perry county, Pa.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

April 5, 1849
In Davenport, on Monday evening last, 2nd inst., by Rev. E. Ripley, Mr.
Robert Christie, of Le Claire to Mrs. L.G.W. Hoge of Davenport

Off for California
Last Monday three teams left this place for the El Dorado. Those who went
out in this company were Dr. H. Brown, D. Hawley, D. Robers, G.W. Lambert,
I. Thomas and three others whose names we do not remember. May they succeed
in reaching California and their brightest anticipations be realized.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

May 17,1849
Married by the Rev. J.W. Maxon at this residence on the 9th of May, Ambrose Shirley, Esq. Of Cedar county to Mrs.. Elizabeth  Turner of LeClaire, Scott county.

On the 6th inst., near Lyons, Clinton co. Iowa, by Rev. T. Abbott, Dr. Wm. C Snyder of Union Grove, Ill to Miss Josephine C, daughter of Mr. Jon’a. L. Pearce, Sen.
May 24, 1849
In ths place on Monday evening, the 21st of May, by John Rowser, Esq., Mr. Peter Pouck to Miss Catharine Bookman, all of Davenport.
In this place, on the 21st inst., by Rev. E. Adams, Mr. Levia Donaldson, formerly of Saratoga Co, N.Y. to Mrs. Mary McComb of Green Co, Indiana.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

June 7, 1849

By the Rev. Joel B. Taylor, on Tuesday, 5th inst.,Mr. James Stephens to Miss Angeline Ross, both of Allens Grove Township, Scott County, Iowa.
In Cincinnati, May 17th, by Rev. Mr. Gillespie, Edwin R. Campbell, Esq., Editor of the Cincinnati Daily Dispatch, to Miss Sarah Jane Wright, daughter of John J. Wright, Esq., all of this city.
June 28, 1849
On Rock Island, 19th inst. by Rev. Mr. Hall, Rev. Z.H. Goldsmith, of Davenport, to Mrs Susan M. Lewis, of the Island.
At Blue Grass, Scott county, on 22d inst. Of Congestion of the Brain, Mrs. Margaret, wife of Mr. Morris Baker, aged 66 years.
On Tuesday afternoon, 26th inst., Frederick, infant son of Rev. James Hildreth, aged two months.

Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Aug 2, 1849
On the 12th inst., by the Rev. J.W. Maxon, Mr. Samuel Ball, to Mrs. Eliza
Brake, all of Scott county, Iowa

In Cincinnati, on the 16th ult, Dr. Wm Mulford, aged 48 years. One of the
good men of the earth has passed from the stage of action, and we mourne his
loss sincerely.

Aug 9, 1849
In this place, on the 6th inst., Willard, son of W. and A.H. Barrows, aged
10 weeks.

In this place on the 26th of July, of Consumption Mrs. Mary W, consort of
A.H. Reynolds. Aged 33 years.

At Keokuk, Iowa on the 30th ult. William Oscar, son of A.W and Caroline
Griffith, formerly of this place, aged 2 years 9 mos. and 24 days

Aug 16, 1849
In this place, on Monday, the 13th of August, 1849, by John Rowser, Esq. Mr.
Henry Dipron to Miss Mary Hampbell.

Aug 23, 1849
At new Albany Ill, August 15th, by the Rev. Jno. Slocum, Mr. W.D. Smith, of
Davenport to Miss Almira Hugener, of the former place.

On the 10th June last, in the Indian Territory beyond the Missouri river,
while en-route for California, Mr. John Riggs, of Clinton, Iowa, aged 51

Aug 30, 1849
On the 24th inst by Elder James Brownlie, Mr. Andrew L. Thompson to Miss
Jane Greive, all of Long Grove, Scott county.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

July 5, 1849
In this place on Thursday last, June 28th of Cholera, Mr. Samuel Sloper, in
the 60th year of his age. Mr. Sloper emigrated to this county in the spring
of 1838, and located in the middle of the prairie back of Davenport, where
by his industry he succeeded in getting a large farm enclosed and improved.
He was the father of seventeen children and an exemplary member of the
Disciples' Church of this place.

At Pawpaw Grove, Ill. on Tuesday 26th ult from Cholera, Mr. James Martin of
Scott County, Iowa formerly of Brattleboro, Vt, aged about 30 years.

In this place, on Monday last, July 2d, Mr. Thomas Dillon, aged 44 years and
4 months. Mr. Dillon emigrated to this town in the fall of 1838 and has
since resided here.

July 19, 1849
By the Rev. Joel B Taylor, Winchester Sherman to Miss Sarah Jane Arbell both
of lower Walnut Grove, Scott County.

July 26, 1849
On Tuesday evening July 17th, by Rev. Joseph Bottles, Mr. Alfred Watson, 2d
clk. S.B. Dubuque, to Miss Levina Dusenburg.

At Christ's Church, Nashville, Tenn on the 15th March, by Rev. Mr. Tombs, Mr
Wm. H. Wetmore to Mrs. Ellen T. Kezer.

The Gazette

Sep 20, 1849
By the Rev. Joel B. Taylor, William U. Jones to Mrs. Mary Shuck, both of the
vicinity of LeClaire.

In Burlington, on the 25th Aug, by Rev. R. Gaylord, Mrs. Charles R.
Hitchcock of Davenport, to Miss Rachel L. Hitchcock, of Des Moines county.

September 13, 1849

B. Sanford.
Druggist and Grocer;

At the Old Stand on Front Street, Davenport, Iowa, has laid in a full
assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Groceries, Fruits, Spices, Oils,
Paints &c, for the season, comprising almost every article in the
line.-Among which are the following, viz.-

All Dr. Jayne's Medicines
Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry
Townsend's Sarsaparilla
Hungarian Balsam
Indian Vegetable Tonic
Moffat's Phoenix Bitters
Hayes Linament for Piles
Upham's Pile Eluctuary
Pain Extractor
Linaments all kinds
Jaynes, Moffats, Braggs, Brandreths,
Wrights, Smiths, Peters, Leos,
Porters, Clevelands, and Emersons Pills.
Black and Cayenne Pepper
Allspice, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs
Cinnamon, Race, W. L. and Ground
Ginger, Saleratus, Sal Soda, Allum
Copperas, Salt Peter
Chalk, Pitch and Rosin
Dried Apples and Peaches
Raisins, Figs, Prunes
Currants, Tamarinds
Citron and Dates
Imperial Gun Powder
Young Hyson, and Black Teas
Codfish, Mackerel, Smoked Herring
Tobacco, Segars, Snuff and
Pipes, all kinds;
Liverpool Blown, Ground Alum
Turks Island, and Table Salts
Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes
Brushes, Glass, Putty, Nails, Cordage
Lines and Sacking Twine
Gun Powder, Shot, Lead and P. Caps
Indigo, Madder, Logwood, Fustic,
Red Wood, Annatta &c
Cocoa and Chocolate, Old Java, Rio and
Havanna Coffee, Rice, Tapioca
Pearl Sago, Arrow Root, Pearl Barley
Vermiulla, Soda, Butter and Sweet
Crackers, Loaf, Powdered, Crushed,
Clarified and N. O. Sugars
Golden and N. O. Syrups
S. H. and N. O. Molasses
Old Otard and Seignette Brandy
Port, Madeira, Sweet Malaga, and
Claret Wines, Holland and Baltimore
Gin, Jamaica Rum, and Old Monengahela
Whiskey, for Medical purposes
Abscynth, Alcohol, Cider Vinegar
and Lime Juice, Sperm, Star and
Tallow Candles, Castile Rosin
Almond, Windsor and other Soaps
Candies Ass'd, Wistat's Cough Candy
Ginger Nuts, Writing and Letter Paper
Blk., Blue and Red Ink
Superior Steel Pens, Quills, &c
Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Filberts and
Hazlenuts, Pen and Pocket Knives
Razors, Scissors, Pocket Purses
Wallets, Silk and Cotton Purses
Combs, Ass'd. Violin Strings
Hair Brushes, &c, &c.

The above with at least 500 different articles not enumerated are all
warranted of the best quality, and will be sold as low as at any Store in
the county. Cash or goods will be paid for Butter, Cheese, Tallow, Eggs,
Oats, Grass Seed, Flaxseed, &c.

B. Sanford
Davenport, Dec. 14, 1848.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Oct 4, 1849
At Iowa City, on the 27th ult., by Rev. Wm. W. Woons, William H. White, M.D.
of Davenport to Miss Mary Eudora, daughter of Rev. W.W. Woons, of Iowa City.

On the 29th by the Rev. Joel B. Taylor, Mr. James Carpenter to Miss Philly
Knight all of Clinton county, Iowa.

On Monday, the 1st of Oct., at Rock Island, by the Rev. Alfred Louderface,
Rector, of Trinity Church, Davenport, Dr. Daniel C. Roundy to Miss Jane E.

In this place, on Saturday the 29th of Sept., by John Rowser, Esq., Mr.
Garspa Stuhr to Mrs. Johnic? Klendt.

By the same, on Monday the 1st of October, Mr. Lewis Glazier to Miss Electra
Richards, both of Illinois

In Pleasant Valley, on Monday evening 24th Sept., Mrs. Anna Davis, wife of
E. Davis, in the 41st year of her age.

Oct 11, 1849
COFFINS- The Cinicnnati Nonpariel says, that one establishment in that city
sold over twelve thousand dollars' worth of coffins in that city, since the
breaking out of the cholera.

Oct 25, 1849
In this place on Saturday the 20th inst., by John Rowser, Esq., Mr.
Frederick Blonck to Miss Elizabeth Rowe.

On the 21st inst., by Rev. J.L. Kelly, Mr. John Poston to Miss Martha
Giberson, both of this county.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Nov 15, 1849
On Tues., 13th inst., by Rev. Mr.  Kelly, Mr. John O. Taylor to Miss Mary E.
Cook, all of this county.

Nov 22, 1849
On the 17th inst., by Rev. T.H. Archibald, Mr. Robert Townsend to Miss
Rebecca M. Cullock, all of this county.

In Moline, Ill on Sunday the 18th inst., George Morley, infant Son of Wm and
Sarah Ann Cooke, formerly of Davenport.

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

Dec 6, 1849
At the residence of Mr. Kearns near Davenport, on Sunday the 2d inst., by
Wm. Burris, Mr. William Poston to Miss Mary Ann Kearns, both of Scott

On the 29th Nov., in Davenport, Iowa, in the 29th year of her age, Mrs.
Elizabeth Crippen, daughter of Samuel Guv, formerly of Cumberland, Co. Pa.

Dec 13, 1849
On the 6th inst., by S. Thompson, Esq., Horace Tucker to Mrs. Susan Palmer,
all of Scott Co.

Dec 27, 1849
Cholera- It is said that the cholera has again broken out at Copperas
Landing on the Ilinois River, and that eight persons have died. The Peoria
Register says, that six or seven deaths had occurred from the same disease
at Lancaster Landing, twenty miles below Peoria.